Excuse My ADHD

Shake It Out

August 26, 2019 Jeanette Season 1 Episode 3

"When the devil is on your back you have to Shake him off" Florence and the Machine 'Shake it out'

Shake it Out is about shaking out my fears and getting on this crazy roller coaster.  I discuss what drove me to finally see a doctor and how I went about getting my diagnosis. Learning to manage my ADHD has been interesting to say the least.  Starting with medication I went from from a non-stimulant to a stimulant and with each experienced adverse side effects that I am just not willing to put up with.  This episode ends a little abruptly because I know I can't sit and listen to much more than 30 minutes so I don't want to make you either.  I touch briefly on my decision to do pharmacogenomic testing which I will go into more detail on my next episode. In the mean time check this out below about what the testing is and can do. 

Pharmacogenomic Information:



Full Show Notes Available on my website: https://www.excusemyadhd.com/episode-2/

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