Excuse My ADHD


October 20, 2019 Jeanette Season 1 Episode 7

When you get diagnosed later in life or at least later than most people with ADHD how it makes you feel and how it affects your life is profoundly different then someone diagnosed as a child and treated or even a teenager or while in college.  It is still early enough to make changes and corrections to your path because you haven't really started it yet.  For me and I am guessing others you have this moment where everything just finally clicks like the world was always slightly tilted but now it's upright. Your life begins to make sense and the way you move through life and your relationships all start to make sense.  You start to make sense of all of the struggles you dealt with and are going through.  After that then you realize you are now this new person going on a new path you didn't plan or see coming and everything is changing. This is where for me grief started to come into play.  You see I thought things were one way but they weren't and now I am dealing with that the best way I can. 

FDA Malinkrodt Methyphenidate Info


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