Excuse My ADHD

Yoga, Meditation, & Sleep with Sara Ivanhoe

Jeanette Season 1 Episode 30

ADHD doesn't make it easy to relax.  It can feel almost impossible to do something like yoga or meditate and sleep can feel like an illusive foe to conquer.  In this episode I talk with Sarah Ivanhoe about just these things.  Sara has spent most of her life learning and teaching the practices of yoga, meditation, and sleep.  Listen as we discuss these and the relationship to ADHD.   

Sara Ivanhoe: https://www.saraivanhoe.com/about
Vedic Yoga: https://www.vedanet.com/vedic-yoga-the-oldest-form-of-yoga/
Yoga Nidra for sleep: https://www.yogajournal.com/meditation/your-brain-on-yoga-nidra

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