This Week in the Middle East

Coronavirus - a conversation with Veronica and William Morris

William and Veronica Season 11 Episode 26

Hind Bensari - - is embarking on an experiment that she hopes will lead to a documentary. She is collecting VOICE NOTES from all around her, in order to keep track of what we are experiencing at this unusual moment in time / history.

If you wish to contribute do send her a voice note  (no text, no videos) which answers or tries to answer some or all of these four little questions:

  • What does your daily routine consist of under. full/semi confinement?
  • What / who crosses your mind most often? Are you encountering new thoughts or challenges?
  • How do you feel? 
  • And how does COVID19 affect / change /strengthen your vision of yourself / your government and the rest of the World?

No need to reveal who you are, this VOICE NOTE can even be sent to Hind from an anonymous account if you wish. Also, feel free to express yourself in the language you are most comfortable with. It does not have to be serious - It does not even have to be real...

Sh would be extremely grateful to you for sharing this email with whoever you think could have something to say, specifying that they send her the voice note on her email address.

This voice note may be used in her next documentary: Life at the time of Corona. 

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Reflections and observations from William Morris, Secretary General of the Next Century Foundation