This Week in the Middle East

Thoughts in the Aftermath of Eid - in a coronavirus world

William Season 11 Episode 39

My wife, Veronica Morris, went to church - virtual church that is (using zoom) - last Sunday. Now normally about this time I would send out a message for Eid - and that's what this is. However I am inspired in this by my wife Veronica. That's because at church somebody preached a fairly straightforward sermon about how Christ suffered so we can suffer alongside him. Which is one way of looking at things I guess. Though not particularly helpful perhaps. But afterwards when the congregation were having coffee (virtual coffee that is) my wife shouted out, "Did God do this to us? Was it a punishment?" Which certainly got everyone's attention. This Eid message is my response.

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Reflections and observations from William Morris, Secretary General of the Next Century Foundation