Sparks Among the Stubble

Hymn of Kassiani from Holy Wednesday Bridegroom Matins

St. Innocent Orthodox Church Season 2019

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O Lord God, the woman who had fallen into many sins, Having perceived thy divinity received the rank of ointment-bearer offering thee spices before thy burial, wailing and crying: Who is me for the love of adultery and sin hath given me a dark and lightless night. Accept the fountains of my tears, O thou who drawest the waters of the sea by the clouds. Incline, O incline thou to the sighing of my heart, O though who didst bend the heavens by theine inapprehensible condescension. I will kiss thy pure feet and I will wipe them with my tresses. I will kiss thy feet whose tread, when it fell on the ears of Eve in paradise, dismayed her so that she did hide herself because of fear. Who then shall examine the multitude of my sins and the depth of thy judgments. Wherefore, O my Saviour, and Deliverer of my soul, turn not away from they hand maiden, O thou of countless mercy. 

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