Who Is God? And What am I?

Stay focused on God - Brandon Rutherford

July 30, 2022 Brandon Rutherford
Who Is God? And What am I?
Stay focused on God - Brandon Rutherford
Show Notes

Editors note: I really needed this after my mind keeping me up that Sunday morning till 4 am. During this message I was reminded about my glasses. I need glasses for distance. Up close I'm fine, but I'm blurry with any distance without them. I shared with a friend that I wish loosing focus on God was as quickly noticeable and disliked as much as when I leve my physical glasses somewhere. Everything is out of focus and the strain sets in. I try hard not to leave my physical glasses, and I'm learning to guard my focus now too. 

When you try to focus on God and obey Him, then the enemy will try to distract you, sometimes directly through others or situations directly or indirectly. Remember, stay focused,  quit leaving your glasses and focusing on the distractions. We have work to do. God is not done yet!