See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers

How Intuition Can Inspire Our Best Life and Lead Us Into Our Unique Purpose

May 22, 2023 Season 4 Episode 37
How Intuition Can Inspire Our Best Life and Lead Us Into Our Unique Purpose
See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
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See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers
How Intuition Can Inspire Our Best Life and Lead Us Into Our Unique Purpose
May 22, 2023 Season 4 Episode 37

I spoke with Judith Manriquez on Mar 30, 2023. We spoke about the awaking of intuition and how awareness can be a strong first step in becoming comfortable. We also spoke about her own journey of becoming an entrepreneur and also how her own intuition has shown up,

Judith Manriquez, Owner and Founder of Inspired Expansion LLC

Judith Manriquez is a spiritual business mentor and visionary intuitive to intuitive women leaders who are ready to show up in their full power and gifts. 

With over two decades of experience in business and intuition, she’s supported hundreds of women with leadership development, business and soul mastery, and the refinement of their soul gifts through personalized 1:1 mentoring, advising and consulting. 

She’s a claircognizant empath with a Masters in Public Affairs and an entrepreneurial heart, who has worked for a mayor, the chairwoman of a major state agency, non-profits, and corporate businesses as well as healers, coaches, energy workers, lightworkers and hundreds of entrepreneurial women changing the world. She also founded a successful branding, marketing, and web-development firm during the dot com era. For the last 15 years has run her own consultancy. 

When she isn’t playing with, and in, others’ businesses, she spends time with her two college-aged boys and teen girl, and visiting new places across the globe.


Instagram: @judithamanriquez

LinkedIn: judithmanriquez

Support the Show.

Show Notes Transcript

I spoke with Judith Manriquez on Mar 30, 2023. We spoke about the awaking of intuition and how awareness can be a strong first step in becoming comfortable. We also spoke about her own journey of becoming an entrepreneur and also how her own intuition has shown up,

Judith Manriquez, Owner and Founder of Inspired Expansion LLC

Judith Manriquez is a spiritual business mentor and visionary intuitive to intuitive women leaders who are ready to show up in their full power and gifts. 

With over two decades of experience in business and intuition, she’s supported hundreds of women with leadership development, business and soul mastery, and the refinement of their soul gifts through personalized 1:1 mentoring, advising and consulting. 

She’s a claircognizant empath with a Masters in Public Affairs and an entrepreneurial heart, who has worked for a mayor, the chairwoman of a major state agency, non-profits, and corporate businesses as well as healers, coaches, energy workers, lightworkers and hundreds of entrepreneurial women changing the world. She also founded a successful branding, marketing, and web-development firm during the dot com era. For the last 15 years has run her own consultancy. 

When she isn’t playing with, and in, others’ businesses, she spends time with her two college-aged boys and teen girl, and visiting new places across the globe.


Instagram: @judithamanriquez

LinkedIn: judithmanriquez

Support the Show.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Sears Beers, knowers and Doers, a podcast about intuition. Do you know what that is? Intuition to me is that inner sense of knowing that something is true. And yet I have no proof. But there's so many definitions and there's so many ways it can come. I'm looking to bring together and share with you some amazing guests. You have some amazing life stories and also some insights into how intuition can come, and I'm looking to gather those crows in the trees. I hope you're one of them. I hope that this podcast inspires you to be more connected to your intuition, and I hope that by doing that, we make the world a better place. Thanks for coming on this journey with me.

Speaker 2:

Before we get started today, I would love to share some tools with you to help with stress and feeling overwhelmed, especially for the energetically sensitive person. Feel free to go to my store on my Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me.

Speaker 1:

So I'm super excited today because I've connected with somebody that another podcast guest introduced me to, and her name's Hannah and she's introduced me to Judith, Monique, who I am excited to share with you cuz she's just lined up several parts of my world and was like, here, this is what I do. I'm like, oh, okay. Perfect.<laugh>. So thank you Judith for joining me today. Would you mind telling us all about yourself?

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you Heather. Thanks for having me. I'm really excited to be here. Weird to start with all about myself. I live in Texas. We'll start with some personal stuff. I live in Texas. I have my own business and have been supporting women in growing, growing their business in whatever way makes sense for them. I have been doing my own thing for a long time, since 1997,<laugh>. So for about a decade. Then I had a marketing company and then after that about 2008 I started following my own solo path. It's taken me down a journey where I am now, which is I work with intuitive and highly conscious women to grow their business, mostly from their intuition. And we are all about not following the norm. So I am incredibly geeky about a lot of things. I like to learn a lot and I'm very much about finding the combination of things that work for that person. Also, I'm really big about helping women learn to trust their own gifts and their own power and use that to grow from rather than having it be all about doing. Mm. And then I guess from a more official standpoint, I call myself a spiritual business mentor and intuitive visionary. So that's a a a quick in a nutshell about me

Speaker 1:

That is a quick in a nutshell about you. And there's so much deeper than that I've gotta say. I mean, I think we spoke for maybe an hour or so before we even made a schedule for this podcast and I was just like, okay, so let's dive into some of those pieces. Cuz you talked about previously being in the digital world and to know somebody who has the intuitive connections with the technology, like literally that's who I've surrounded myself with. So when you said you've got this other piece, can, can we dive in a little bit more into what that mentorship actually looks like? Because that can, I mean maybe it's not one size fits all, but if there's patterns or if, if you can just dive into that a little bit because it's so necessary for people to connect with their intuition these days and that's the whole reason for this podcast. But to have somebody coach you with intuition is, is like another, it's another layer. So do you wanna talk about how that rolls with you?

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm.<affirmative>? Absolutely. So just so we have full disclosure, I would say my primary intuition is clear cognizance and I know what I know and as we begin, as I talk about how I do what I do, I, it's taken me years to learn what this particular intuition is and how it works. And then on top of that, I really have noticed that I would say for the last, definitely it feels like in the last two or three years it's been on SPR super development. But I would say maybe, maybe back like from 2017, we had some shifts I think on the planet that really opened up more. So I use that as my primary sense. I, I don't really have like the seeing, I'll sometimes say I see something, but I really don't. Sometimes I will say I feel things and I don't feel them in my body. It's more as though I perceive them in my field. So I, I've been noticing that it helps to describe what I'm, how I perceive my senses. And the thing about intuition is that we're always for everyone, it's different. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And so everybody I work with always asks, how do you know what you know and where do, how do you know when it's true for you? So that I can kind of get a sense and be able to sort of tap into how they operate. And so my work comes from my natural abilities and I mentor from this place. So I say I'm a mentor because I'm not a trained certified coach. Um, and I have no problems when it's appropriate telling you what to do,<laugh>, right? So those directions and still lean into knowing that I'm following where the person that I'm working with is at. When I do mentoring, it's often custom and Beto bespoke. So we'll design something around what's going on in your life and where you're at on your developmental journey. I have occasionally released some group programs where I'll do a group mentoring project, but mostly it's one-on-one. And I find it really comfortable to do that because what we are working through is so custom to the moment and the experience and where that person is at the time. So when I met you, you know, you were at a certain stage of development of your awareness of your, your gifts, your intuition, uh, where you are in your business and what you want to do with your business. And then I kind of, all that information sort of comes in. And the way my intuition works is I can perceive your, I always say I perceive your highest potential. It's almost as though I can see you expressed in your highest potential and then I can hold that vision for you. And then we just sort of walk the path that reveals itself as you are able to take that path. I can walk you all the way there. A lot of times when I was much younger at this, I could say, oh yeah, well why you gotta do this, this, and this and this. And a lot of times we're not ready to go there for a lot of reasons. And so now it's more I can move intuitively with someone as they're growing and developing towards what, who they wanna be and how they wanna express themselves basically. Cuz we're always moving towards our soul's journey. It we'll never have it wrong. And then in the way that I work, and this is where we kind of and really enjoy talking. I, and this is what connects us to Hannah. All of my work shifted when I started understanding human design. And I really resisted getting into human design because it was so complex. And I had about three or four people say, Hey listen, you really should take a look at human design. I'm like, I looked at it and I'm like, no, that's just too complex. And then, you know, when your soul sort of keeps nudging you, like practically pushing you into it. I picked it up, I took a look at it again and it was primarily because I was being guided to spend more time on authority. Like what's my authority? And in human design authority is what I call your own innate wisdom. It is the most important piece about who you are. One of the two most important pieces about who you are. That gives you clarity about how to make decisions to stay in alignment with your soul. And as humans, we are so good at getting ourselves confused about how to do things and what choice is the best and which direction should I go. And, you know, what's the right answer for me it's always like, can I get it right? And your authority in human design guides you. And so I, I use human design as a foundation so that I can get past all of our stories, my stories and your stories and see, okay, here's how you're designed to create, here's how you're designed to, um, make decisions and then here's how you're sort of designed to operate in the world. And those three things just sort of acted like a, they act like a low key in a lock and everything opens up when I meet people and I don't really have to get into the rest of their human design chart, but I can see how they operate and then I can naturally move with them the way they're designed to move. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, it's just wonderful. So we work, we work on how they show up in their work for themselves and expand it. How do we grow? How do we create within who you are and how do we grow so that you feel more ease, you feel more joy, you feel more successful, you feel more, uh, fulfilled. And then that actually looks in practical world, you know, you we're always looking for more clients or more money or more impact. Am I following my path? Like it does turn into that, but it's never been my straight up focus and I can actually answer those questions. But those don't come up till later. How to do the thing in your business, like should you do Instagram or LinkedIn or YouTube or videos or by ads, like those are very practical how-tos those don't show up until you get more comfortable operating from your own gifts and your own sort of sole path. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. It makes a lot of sense for sure. And it, it's funny cuz I literally told one of my clients today to throw out how, fill out the word, how it's just a place to spend a lot of time that isn't necessary in some cases. So as you're talking, when you were a teenager, did you know you had a knowing?

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, you know, no I didn't. I did not know. And I suspected that I probably was highly sensitive as a child and developed really excellent coping skills for shutting down or not listening to it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Because if this little me existed, cause I, I really do think we, we always have our intuition and this life can affect the way it expresses. But I'm, I mean when I, I do, I've done a lot of inner work and done a lot of work where, you know, healing mother related trauma and yeah. If this knee was existing, then I can see where I found a lot of coping mechanisms that did in involve actively using my intuition. And also clear co sense is a funny one because really, you know what, you know and you can't explain how you know it. Right. And the, the world doesn't like those kinds of answers. Right. You just don't offer them.

Speaker 1:

So you, you literally shut down to Yeah. Cuz you would've been the wise kid telling your mom stuff and<laugh>

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can really, I'm highly empathic also. And so I can feel when people are in alignment, I can feel when they're in integrity with themselves. And my mom loved me deeply, but her expression of love and what I felt coming off of her, like what she would say with words and what came from her energy did not relate. So you can imagine as a child, like, oh is this what love is because this doesn't feel so great? Right. And you know, we, we make all of us make interesting connections when we're kids Yeah. To dealing with this mm-hmm.<affirmative>.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. So

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would not have called myself intuitive, I would've said in a general way I'm intuitive until I went to a workshop with a really excellent woman who's become my mentor, um, who was just like, well you are really intuitive and you also are very grounded. So you have a gift in being able to access like a lot of energy and a lot of information, but you're also really grounded. And a lot of people who are highly intuitive or who do that work don't often have the grounded component. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I just looked at her like she was crazy and I'm like, okay,<laugh>, do whatever you say. As the years went by, I was able to see how she was completely correct.

Speaker 1:

Well, and being a grounded, intuitive, empathetic person requires coping mechanisms a lot until you gather the awareness of how this actually is a superpower and can work for you. Right? Mm-hmm.

Speaker 3:

<affirmative>. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah,

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So in that journey, cuz lots of people are there right now, and this is where you, you were seeing potential, like I can totally see the trajectory, but I'm not sure other people can see the trajectory cuz they're in that place where they've just heard the words. You're grounded and intuitive, you know, like there's so many people on the planet that have just heard those words. Like sure you're intuitive mm-hmm<affirmative>, you're intuitive. Boom. But what does that mean? How do you get there? How do I survive this intuition? How do I survive being highly sensitive? And there's lots of different tools out there and different mentors out there and so many different, like people need to follow their intuition about finding those people who can help you through that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But do you have a story where one plus one equaled two and Penny started dropping that you'd like to share? That might might be something that people would resonate with because sometimes when we're in that, that in between the choices, even though in hindsight we say, oh, I see the whole picture and that was actually a really good choice. It isn't always feeling like a good choice cuz of that dissonance that we've been trained in

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

<affirmative>. But the hindsight is that none of it is a wrong choice. Sometimes as painful as it is, like, I don't know if I'm asking a question that has morphed into several different questions there, but if you wanna take the energy of that and run with it, if you feel comfortable, that would be really cool because I think that there is something, there's, there's an in between that I'm wanting to see if people can resonate with that. I think you have a knowing of,

Speaker 3:

So it's, I'm gonna see if I can capture it. It's the in between of like being normal and being highly intuitive and the journey between the two. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, is that Yep. Kind of where we're heading. Yeah.<laugh>, I think that's really, really awesome and wise question to ask because what I'm witnessing is that people who have no context for intuition or don't believe in, or are not into esoteric or mystical or metaphysical stuff or have judgments around that, I really perceive that their intuition is turning on. Um, I see it all over the place. I see a lot of people having their intuition sort of becoming far greater than it was before and it's showing up in their nervous systems as anxiety and stress and worry. Yes,

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes. It's,

Speaker 3:

And it, I just like wanna pick'em up and be like, it's not really real anxiety. It's like your nervous system does not know how to, it doesn't know what to do with all of this new sensory input. Yes. And since you've never really kind of allowed yourself to imagine, oh, I could be intuitive, which is a soft sweet way of saying I'm psychic, then you are looking to more mental, physical explanations for what's going on when it's actually existing in your energy field. And we just don't talk about energy field at all. We can make it neutral. So we don't have to get into mystical or metaphysical or angels or anything. You have an energy field. We are highly energetic, sensitive, energetic beings. And as you become more sensitive to the energy of your field and the energy of the fields that you run into for the rest of the world, then if you can be aware of it, it helps. I would say the answer to your question is, the very first thing is if you can be willing to be aware and notice and allow that this is not what it seems like an an anxiety or worry or fear response, but that you're just bringing in more information and can start to notice the more information you can start to make sense of it, you can start disconnecting from a nervous system response, which is often your mind's picking up on stuff and trying to make meaning of it. So let me give a real example. Like let's say you wake up in the morning and you're feeling, um, sad or angry or really off in some way and you don't really have a reason for why you feel this way and your mind will automatically pick up that feeling tone that's going on around you and try to give you a reason for it. So your mind will pick up like, oh, you're angry because so and so did that. Or you are feeling bad because you haven't done what you wanted to do with your life. Or your, your mind will pick up reasons that you've thought of in the past or had experience with with the past. And then you'll amplify that feeling with these old stories. Well what if it isn't the old story? What if it is more about, oh, I woke up this morning and I'm feeling really sad because I'm feeling the tragedy that happened across the globe. Right. And I feel the wave of sadness across the globe. Or what if you wake up in the morning and you're feeling really awful in your body and it happens to be because you've become more sensitive to the solar flares,

Speaker 1:

Right? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Right. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And if you don't have context for that, it can kind of be confusing. But there are other reasons for us to, to have sort of the experiences we're having with our nervous system that are not thoughts. They're more our intuition is activated.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. That is really well put. I knew I was asking you this question for a reason,<laugh>, I didn't know exactly what the question was, but you nailed it. And there's, there's that knee jerk reaction that discomfort is wrong or pain is like bad or the fever is awful. Or like, we've been kind of trained into avoidance of this stuff and yet more and more information is coming out that if we just run into it, if we just be in it, whatever analogy people want to use, it passes faster. Cuz it's that resist persists thing. Like there's so many different ways of expressing that and, and this even is true for the intuitive kind of awakening that's happening

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm.<affirmative> mm-hmm.<affirmative>

Speaker 1:

In that staying in the question about it and then seeing what comes up as opposed to running into all those stories and giving those stories power, which, which may not even be the truth. So yeah, the dynamic of be wary of giving the mind too much power,<laugh> the intuition in the mind are not the same thing<laugh>, it's,

Speaker 3:

Uh, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Yeah. No. Mm-hmm<affirmative> very, very, very true. Thanks for explaining that or exploring that with your point of view. That's really cool. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Thanks. Thank you. Yeah, I definitely a lot and I see it even with highly intuitive people who know it mm-hmm.<affirmative>, um, we don't, we, we don't know. So it's like we're on's journey to figure out how to be a soul and a body as we become more aware that we're so an energetic being in a body, we recognize that our body doesn't really know how to handle it. So you're, you maybe having a highly sensitive experience from an intuitive perspective. You're feeling a lot or you're proceeding a lot and our nervous system just goes haywire. And we, we do the same thing. We feel anxious, we feel stressed, we feel worried, we feel like drinking wrong. We feel like all the feelings cuz our nervous system doesn't know how to deal with the energies just yet that are available on the planet. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So landing in this place of doing the work that you're doing, being a person who has multiple family responsibilities, like just being a regular, hi, I'm Judith, this is my other life, this is my life. Integrating what you do with living. Has there been any stretches or any situations where you're like, oh wait a minute, this isn't serving me in this time. I need to, I need to pull more of my intuitive self in like, especially where you've gone through that scenario of having those childhood experiences that were normalized when we become out in the world as adults, a lot of those childhood normalized experiences get, get triggered or pinged or, or what have you. And it is to actually bring us more into alignment with our selves and with our intuition. Have you ever any experiences where that has kind of come into play that you'd feel comfortable sharing?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would say my whole life has kind of been like that<laugh>. Oh, I don't, I can't say, oh, I had this awakening moment when zap like all of a sudden I was intuitive or suddenly it all turned on or suddenly I could see spirits or suddenly mm-hmm.<affirmative> like again for me it's, I've always known that we have spirits to walk the earth with us. And um, you know, I've always known, I just knew, but there, there's the quality of the knowing which now I can look back on my life and say, oh, I was receiving the kind of knowing that I have. So that's con sense. And at the same time I'm, I'm very much a pioneer. I'm very much of a rebel kind of maverick energy mm-hmm.<affirmative> and I'm at the front of things. So I always question or look at why do we do what we do? And I'm, you know, you go through the regular, the, the regular path that we have. Like I did the traditional high school to college, got a job, didn't like it, got my master's degree and throughout that whole experience I have been, and then I started working in traditional jobs and I'm like, why do we do this? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we have this system that operates this way? Like, is this actually doing what it's intended to do? Which is not always very effective, especially in the business world because a lot of business has traditionally been this is the path. These the steps follow the rules. Like we've all been trained. Right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And that ultimately led me out of working for others to working for myself so I could create an environment that felt more aligned with what I wanted. But even when I did that, I mean when I had a small marketing company with a couple of partners, we had 12 employees and this was like I said at the turn of the century,<laugh> and we paid a hundred percent of health insurance for the family. I didn't consider time off an issue. So I didn't have like vacation. Here's your 10 days of vacation. You could take the time you needed. I was fine with people working remotely back then. So as long as they were getting their work done, we could connect. We did often have to meet in person cuz we didn't have technology at that level back then. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. But what we were sold for a tiny little company of 12 was just unheard of. Like people didn't do this. And that's the same is true for my energy. Like I was operating at that time, not aware of my intuition, but very much concerned about my alignment. Does this feel correct? Am I doing what feels correct? Mm. And then as the journey went on, I have made my way to figuring out what it is that I do because I don't know that there's a title in the business world. Cause I, I, my orientation is around business. There just isn't a business world title where you can be me and have a title. Right. Right. And so all of this has been un awakening. It's like how do I show up with all of my intuition? How do I show up in a field that I feel really uncomfortable with? How do I make a way for myself to make a living and be myself? Which is what took me to doing my solo work. And ironically it's taken me back to corporate now because I think we've hit a, a turning point where intuition is now going to be a necessary skill set in a traditional business environment. It's beginning like, again, I, when I say it, I'm saying it like, oh it's a done deal. But I think we're beginning that transition into a whole new way of operating in business. So for me it's always been, there's not one moment. It's transitional and also a little on the front of things.

Speaker 1:

I can totally see that. And that goes back to my other question that had many layers of like, so how has this kind of laid out for you? And it's like, there you just, you answered that so<laugh>, there we go. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. I don't think you're alone. I don't think everybody is a maverick or a pioneer, but I think we all have, when we become autonomous with ourselves, you have to be a maverick and a pioneer cuz you're the one doing it first for you. Like nobody's done you before. And so choosing yourself first is a maverick thing because that's not what working in the industry is about. That's not, you're supposed to choose the business first. Right. We're supposed to choose the other first in a lot of ways, however we're brought up. But when we're autonomous with ourself, like my wise mother would say, you cannot give what you don't have in your, well like nobody can drink out of a dry well. So you've got to give self-care.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So I hope that people take what you've just said about the pioneer and the maverick part and realize that you don't have to be on the front running of like societal stuff or business stuff or be leading the way. You can just lead the way for yourself. Like you can be that maverick and pioneer for yourself in becoming who you actually are. Like in choosing yourself first in any mm-hmm.<affirmative> area of your life. And that's going to take you closer to your intuition I think. Which I'm full body goosebumps cuz it's like your path has kind of been that for yourself and it's so neat that you've shared it all here today. It's kind of cool.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. It's true. You don't have to be a pioneer or maverick, but I'll tell you, whenever somebody feels like, well they won't understand or I don't think they'll accept me, or when when someone's trying to be themselves and they're afraid that the people around them just aren't gonna get it or they're not comfortable being themselves, then they are having their own mini version of being a pioneer. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> because there has to show up in a way that's more authentic to themselves, but not necessarily what other people might find normal<laugh>. Yes. If you will. Or comfort. Yeah. Yeah. So it happens in a lot of ways. Very

Speaker 1:

True. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, oh my gosh. I feel like we've just scratched the surface of you, Judith.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. There's so much going on Heather. I am so grateful that you do what you do and you have this podcast to have people talking about intuition. I mean there we don't have enough avenues I think to where we can have honest and easy conversations about intuition and what's changing on the planet. It's kind of like learning a language that's developing. We're trying to understand each other's languages and it's changing as we're understanding it. And we don't have a collective, like your language of intuition in my language, like what we feel are completely different. So I think the only way we can understand each other and help each other out is through these kinds of conversations. Like putting pieces together little by little for ourselves because we hear someone else's story and you are leader in helping us hear those stories. So I'm really grateful.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you. Thank you. Well it's been an intuitive process for sure. And it brings me so much delight. I can't tell you. And interestingly, one of my gene keys is all about delight, so it always makes me smile. Yeah, yeah. It's, it's really cool. So investigate the gene keys, investigate human design. You're not the first person to bring it up so people are hearing it a few times. It's just this fascinating place of getting to know who the heck you are, uh, who you are in a way that is deep and wide and

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. Well I backed that 100%.

Speaker 1:

And, and it can be daunting cuz it is a deep and wide pool, but you can dip your toe in and not have to go into the deep end and you can find people who know more about it than you do. There's lots. And Judith is one of those. So thank you so much for today, Judith.

Speaker 3:

Thank you Heather. I really appreciate it. Thanks. This has been great.

Speaker 1:

Cool. Well, we'll do it again.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. Thank you. I would love to come back.

Speaker 1:

All right. Until next time.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Until next time,

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for giving us your time today. We truly appreciate our guests for sharing their stories and insights about how intuition has impacted their lives. And I'm so grateful for Peter Trainor for his time in giving me this original music. It's now your turn. It's your turn to listen and act on your own intuition and help make the world a better place. Until next time, keep seeing, being, knowing, and doing. If you like this podcast, please share it. If you want to find others like it, go to www dot healing vitality ca or wherever you would find your podcasts. We would love to have you join us on this journey. Come be a crow sitting in the tree, be part of our community.