Aspire Church Podcast

Love Letters | Standing Firm in Truth and Love

Darren Sides

In the state of New Mexico, there is a small town by the name of Truth or Consequences. The name change happened in 1950 to coincide with a game show hosted by Ralph Edwards. The residents of this town are the first to admit that after the name change, weird things began to happen daily. To this day the town is known as a "Weird Town with Weird Happenings."

There was not a Truth or Consequences town or game show when Paul was writing his love letters to the Church. But there certainly were some weird things happening within the towns and churches. In his second letter, John is warning the believers that deceivers had gone out into the world and how they should watch themselves because of the falsehoods being spread about Jesus and His teachings. John is encouraging those believers to continue walking in Truth and Love or there will be serious consequences ahead. 

John's warning is just as important for us to hear today. Join us as we see how Truth and Love should characterize our everyday walk with the Lord lest we face the consequences that may lie ahead.


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