Night-Light Radio

Night-Light with Dr Lynne Kitei and Steve Lantz

Barbara DeLong
Steve LantzSteve has personal and professional experience in the arts that covers a broad spectrum, including motion picture and video production, professional photography, architectural design, graphic design, website design and multitrack recording. Steve completed two years of architectural design studies at Arizona State University and in 1982, moved to Santa Barbara, California to pursue an education in photography and motion picture production. Steve received his BA degree from Brooks Institute of Photography in 1985. His credits include numerous commercials, documentaries, short films, music videos, promotional films, product demos and training films. His diverse experience in multimedia spans over several decades.In addition, Steve has been a licensed private pilot and a member of A.O.P.A. since 1986. Steve is very well educated in UFology, a topic he first became interested in at age 11. He has witnessed two independent sightings, including the mysterious orbs that randomly appear in the greater Phoenix area and across the state of Arizona. Steve started his production company, Steve Lantz Productions, LLC, in 2004 prior to shooting The Phoenix Lights Documentary. Steve also handles all of the website and media needs for Lynne D. KiteiLynne's firsthand experiences, as well as her amazing photographs, are considered by optical physicists and experts in the field as historic. After 13 years of meticulous research, she has combined stunning data and personal interviews in THE PHOENIX LIGHTS DOCUMENTARY, a comprehensive examination of the strange lights seen over Phoenix and throughout Arizona on March 13th 1997...But there is much more to the story!This groundbreaking documentary, based on the best-selling book, "The Phoenix Lights...A Skeptic's Discovery that We Are Not Alone," features dozens of credible eyewitnesses, local military personnel, former Phoenix Vice Mayor, Frances Barwood, university-based scientists and other experts who give compelling testimony to the reality of these mysterious global visitations. What were they? How did they affect the witnesses? What do they mean?