What Does The Bible Say?

What Does The Bible Say About Understanding It Cont'd

Woodland Season 1 Episode 6

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Arnie and Fred continue the discussion of what the Bible says about understanding it. Several passages from last weeks discussion that state the word of God was written to be understood and to be a guide for God's people. Discussed is the need to master some fundamentals in order to properly understand the Bible. A desire to learn what it says is necessary just as a new born baby desires milk. Noted is that the word of God is spiritual food for the new Christian. A common mistake is that people start at the hardest books of the Bible and get frustrated when they see difficulties in them. Starting with New Testament historical books is recommended, then to letters to churches and disciples. Next the Old Testament historical books, then the 17 books of prophets. Save Revelation for later study, for much of the same figurative language used by the Old Testament prophets is also used by John in writing The Revelation. One must not neglect noting God's plan of salvation for Jesus did say that He came to seek and save that which was lost. That is discussed in this lesson. Jesus selecting and sending out His apostles to teach the gospel in all the world is discussed and the requirement for all people everywhere to obey the gospel which they taught. The passages that say Jesus expected people to understand His teaching and that of His apostles is discussed.