What Does The Bible Say?

What Does The Bible Say About Understanding It Alike

Woodland Season 1 Episode 7

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Arnie and Fred continue the discussion of what the Bible says about understanding it and the fact that Jesus expected His listeners to understand what He said. But we also find that Jesus expected His listeners to understand what He said in the same way or alike. We find the apostles teaching the same message, the gospel, to the individuals and churches that they spoke to. The churches in Galatia and the church in Corinth were taught the same requirement to take up a collection on the first day of the week. We find the same decrees were taught in every city Paul and Silas went according to the record in Acts 16:4-5 and that was taught to the Philippian jailer later in the chapter. The gospel that was taught to that jailer was the same that Jesus sent the apostles out to teach and was taught in Acts chapter 2. We discuss the divisions that Paul discovered in the church at Corinth when they departed from teaching the same gospel that Paul had originally taught them. So, all God's people today are to understand the Bible alike and to teach it alike.