What Does The Bible Say?

What Does The Bible Say About How God Confirmed His Word

Woodland Season 1 Episode 9

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Understanding that the Bible is God's complete word and the fact Jesus says in John 12:48 that we will be judged by His words, we need to know how God confirmed or certified those words as being from Him and reliable. Jesus tells us in Mark 16:20 that the apostles went everywhere preaching the word and the Lord worked with them confirming the word with signs following. Fred and Arnie discuss these signs and miracles and show that God accompanied the delivery of His words throughout the Bible with miracles that verified that the words the men were providing came from God. The nature of various miracles described in the Old and New Testaments is discussed. Spiritual gifts that are recorded in the New Testament are noted as well as the means these were given to men. It is finally noted that the word of God having been completely revealed, documented in the Bible and miraculously confirmed, the age of miracles has now ended, according to the word of God.