What Does The Bible Say?

What Does The Bible Say About How God Confirmed His Word Cont't

Woodland Season 1 Episode 10

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Arnie and Fred continue the discussion on how God confirmed His word. We note that Mark says in Mark 16 verse 20 that after the Lord ascended to heaven, the apostles went everywhere preaching the word and the Lord worked with them confirming the word with signs following. WE note the numerous passages that record the miracles that the apostles performed that confirmed their teaching and preaching. Peter healed diseases and cast out demons. Paul conferred the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Ephesus and they spoke foreign languages they never learned. Paul raised Eutychus from the dead at Troas. Both Stephen and Philip are mentioned as performing miracles that conformed their teaching. Finally, we note that the Bible says that once the apostles and inspired disciples delivered and wrote down all of God's words in the first century, the age of miracles ended.