What Does The Bible Say?

What Does The Bible Say About When Miraculous Gifts Ended

Woodland Season 1 Episode 11

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In the last study, Arnie and Fred discussed how God confirmed His word by the miracles, signs and wonders He gave to the apostles to use for that purpose, according to Mark 16:20. In this study, we will discuss what the Bible says about when those miracles ceased. We will see that the Bible tells us when that occurred. We note that Paul names the various miraculous spiritual gifts that the apostles possessed and that they passed on to some of the disciples in the first century. I 1 Corinthians 13, Paul notes that those miraculous gifts would cease when "that which is perfect is come" and he gives examples that support what he says. He does the same thing in his writings to the Ephesians in Ephesians 4:8-16. He notes the roles of responsibility of those first century disciples as they delivered gthe revelation. In this context, The temporary nature of the miraculous spiritual gifts as they were used in the first century is noted here and their end when the full faith was delivered. We discuss Acts 8:14-16 where we learned that these miraculous spiritual gifts were conferred by the laying on of the apostles hands. Finally, we discuss the fact that since the apostles all died in the first century after the complete New Testament was delivered and confirmed, the ability to confer those gifts ceased as well as the gifts possessed by the disciples.