Starve the Doubts

Terry Starbucker - More Human Leadership (@starbucker & @jodymaberry)

Jared Easley
TERRY STARBUCKER Easley, together with co-host Jody Maberry from and host of the new Park Leader’s Podcast, interviewed Terry Starbucker.Terry Starbucker St. Marie is a native mid-westerner living in Portland Oregon. Terry has 30 years of experience in business and the entrepreneurial world engaged to what he calls “More Human Leadership”. Terry is presently a leadership consultant, strategist, coach, and angel investor. He focuses on leadership, business execution, and customer care. In this episode, you’ll learn:People versus ProcessSales pitch versus Value pitchThe will to succeed versus the hope to surviveDealing with mistakesThe value of setting a priceWhy Terry was called StarbuckerTerry’s experiences in Pioneer NationThe difference between a boss and a leader“A leader calls people together. A leader goes for a cause greater than themselves. They teach, they lead, and feel.”Terry’s principles in a “More Human Leadership”- It can’t be about you but about the team.- Be a promise keeper. Keep your values.- Teach more leaders. What you know is a legacy to be passed on.- Build culture and accountability. Set expectations.- Keep the fight up. Get ready to face trouble.- Give people a reason to wake up in the morning.Three things that makes up a More Human Success for Terry- Business Success, Team Happiness, and Personal FulfillmentThe common mistakes of entrepreneurs when it comes to Pricing- Most people under price themselves- Not understanding that it’s a value pitch not a sales pitch- The mythical “one spot” market- People think places shouldn’t change.How to make your product stand out from other competitors“If your product is expensive, make your product look expensive.”Terry defines “Value Pitch.”The importance of customer feedback“You can’t serve customers with great product without asking them about that.”Keys to successful executionPeople Terry finds interestingConnect with Terry at:, @StarbuckerTerry’s message for all the listeners: “Lead well!” Items mentioned:World Domination SummitPioneer

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