Starve the Doubts

Going Pro - DeJay Lester's dream to inspire others and make it to the NFL

Jared Easley
DeJay Lester is a Wide Receiver for the IFL Cedar Rapids Titans. His goal is to inspire youth to reach for their goals. He also aspires to one day play in the NFL., Chris Murphy and Jared Easley discuss DeJay's background which is filled with overcoming obstacles and difficulties. DeJay shares about the death of his mother. He talks about being kidnapped as a child and taken to another country. DeJay had tremendous anger that he had to work through growing up. He turned to athletics. He poured himself into sports which opened doors for him to eventually get a college scholarship at the University of Wyoming and then go on to be a professional football player in arena league football. DeJay's desire is to make it to the NFL. He is getting closer to that dream, but it has not quite happened yet. DeJay discusses the disappointment and the continued focus that it requires to not give up on the goal, even when it seems just out of reach.This is a powerful episode. DeJay also shares his take on #BlackLivesMatters. He provides encouragement for the rest of us who are watching these situations unfold in our country and communities.

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