Starve the Doubts

Mind, Body and Business with Jenny Blake

Jared Easley
Starve the Doubts JENNY BLAKE In this Starve the Doubts episode, Jared Easley co-hosts the show with Megan Pangan of‎, as they interview the inspiring Jenny Blake, author of the bestselling book, Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want. Her career started out when she created the blog Life After College back in 2005. She then worked at Google for 5 years, serving as a Career Development Program Manager and internal coach. Jenny has such a fiery passion for exploring systems at the intersection of the mind, body, and business, that she not only became a full-time solopreneur, but she has also completed teacher training courses for Yoga and Thai massage. Undoubtedly, Jenny Blake is an emerging leader you definitely should look out for among the flock of female online entrepreneurs of our world today, as she continues on her goal to help bring focus on people’s lives, sharing an ocean of soulful tips in achieving efficiency, happiness, and fulfillment in your career and personal life. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT: How to become the CEO of your life and career How fear is inevitable but it shouldn’t get in the way for you to take action How to wake up and live big by taking tiny, baby steps Building the confidence muscle Keeping health as your priority everyday and the value of rest How to actually find your passion Building first, before you get the “courage cookie” ITEMS MENTIONED: You need to be the CEO of your own career. You need to be proactive about building marketable skills. Best advice for female entrepreneurs: Do things your own way. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, and just trust your gut. Women have a very strong intuition and gut instinct. Go with it even if it’s counter to other advice you see out there on the Internet. Jenny’s favorite organization tool is Evernote. It helps her organize business ideas, book ideas, writing projects, etc. The Power Trio that Jenny uses everyday: Dropbox, Google Docs, Evernote Opposite to what most people perceive her to be, she actually considers herself as a very introverted person and she cherishes being alone. Her best “alone spot” is waking up and reading a book in the morning with a cup of tea or taking long walks on the streets of New York. Fear – we all have it; but the discomfort of not taking action will start to outweigh it. When people have a whisper in their gut that it’s time for change or that they’ve hit a ceiling, then it can be uncomfortable and very disconcerting and fear-inducing; but the way to wake up and live big is to start taking very tiny baby steps. Her personal motto: To do one small brave thing each day. You don’t need to move mountains. Action is the antidote to despair. You’re not going to gain confidence just by sitting around thinking about it. It just happens from taking action day after day. A concrete example of a small baby step: Set up a 20-30 min. phone call or coffee date with someone who’s doing what you want to do. Sometimes people fear rejection and it is a brave step to reach out to someone you don’t know very well or you don’t know at all and say, “I love what you’re doing. I would love to get your advice. Do you have 20 mins. to spare?” That will start to build up the confidence muscle, you get good tips, and grow your network in the process. On transitioning from your existing role to something new: Get your body right! Don’t even bot

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