Your Daily Bible

Episode 63: Daniel 2:1-23

Kurt Barnes Season 1 Episode 63

Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly impossible situation? Perhaps a relationship was in a rocky place. Maybe your finances were in a tough spot. Or maybe you had a tough decision to make. Daniel also knew what it was like to face the impossible.

Daniel turned to the only person who could help him: God. While the people around him said, “No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men,” Daniel knew this to be untrue (Daniel 2:11). 

The one, true God did live among them, and He lives among us today. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says we are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in us. In God’s mercy and grace, He makes wisdom available to us if we’ll ask, seek, and believe — just like Daniel did. 

Daniel was able to describe and interpret the king's dream because God gave Daniel the wisdom to do so. Daniel asked for God’s help by praying for wisdom and pleading for mercy in this situation. Then, Daniel sought God by trusting Him and listening to the vision revealed to him. And finally, Daniel had to have the faith to believe God would come through. 

For us, the process looks much the same. When we are faced with the impossible, we must have faith to ask God for help through prayer. Then, we seek His wisdom in His Word, and we believe He will help us through the impossible.



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