Smart Cleaning School

Trust is Everything with Beth Lane

November 11, 2019 Ken Carfagno Episode 9

In this episode, Beth Lane of Lavender Fields Cleaning Service joined Solo Cleaning School. She has been working in this amazing profession for 21 years and has a world of experience that she graciously shares with us today. She uncovers several key points for new solo cleaning moms to use as they grow their business.

  1. How Not to Run a Business - Beth shadowed a friend for 3 days and with her banking experience, knew one thing... how not to run a cleaning business. Beth took these lessons and began her own solo cleaning company.
  2. Solo Cleaners are Introverts - Beth believes that the overwhelming number of solo cleaners are empaths and introverts, which means they are deep feelers, creative, detailed, and quiet. These traits lead solo cleaners to rely on other avenues to do the marketing for them verses talking to people directly. Beth also believes that these personality traits also cause solo cleaning moms to take things so personally.
  3. Angie's List & HomeAdvisor - Both Beth and Ken share experiences using these online lead generator services and how their effectiveness has bottomed out over the last 3-5 years. 
  4. Questioning Your Prices - Facebook groups are a wonderful resource, but there are many "opinions" on there, especially on price. Ken describes his observations on prices. You really need specific counsel on price for your business verses general opinions. This is a fundamental reason why the Solo Cleaning School Premium Membership exists.
  5. Trust Factor - Solo cleaning is not all mechanical. It's an emotional business that has it's foundation built on trust & integrity. Beth believes that the trust factor is the #1 reason why she has been able to add & retain great clients for many years. "If they like you and trust you, they'll overlook a cobweb. If they don't like (and trust) you, they're gonna be nit-picking every thing you do."

Beth is a trustworthy and experienced cleaning service owner, servicing the Melbourne, Florida Area. Feel free to reach out to her and let her know you heard about her on the Solo Cleaning School Podcast.