Smart Cleaning School

Free Donuts

Ken Carfagno Episode 18

This episode continues to follow Ken's path to building a brand new solo cleaning company. If you haven't heard the two introductory episodes, check out Building "My New Cleaning Network I and II".

Teresa and I attended the Total Life Freedom Mastermind Retreat in early October 2019 in Gatlinburg, TN. We left our scarcity mindset in Tennessee, resolving to become the givers we have always wanted to be. We also renewed our commitment to build this new solo cleaning business and share our progress with the listeners of this show. I hope you like this new segment. I'll be updating you on my own business progress from week to week in hopes that you glean inspiration and encouragement to grow your own.

There is one comment from Vincent Pugliese that I really took to heart in TN. "Come here with questions and be curious verses coming here with the answers. This leads to change and growth."

Also, the giving mindset that we left with was this. You give where you are. That's how you advance to the next level of giving. The Go-Giver tells that.

When we returned, I had a new resolve to make this process fun. I got a few big things accomplished the week following Gatlinburg:

  • Dropped off donuts to Dennis and Dexter
  • Set up Google My Business like Christine Hughey of A Little Local Flavor taught me!
  • Teresa started connecting on the local mom's FB group.
  • Finished my cleaning website after not having a site for 14 years! I did it myself, but it helped that I already knew how to do it through Weebly from my other website.
  • Did Sales Tax & Employee Withholding with the state and updated quickbooks.