Smart Cleaning School

Your Kids Can Clean

Ken Carfagno Episode 55

I learned work ethic by working and humility by being humbled. Here's what I mean. I watched my mom and day each work very hard toward their goals, but I truly learned work ethic when I had to do house cleaning chores every week. Over time, I even learned to like it and appreciate it. I was paid for my work and always had money in my savings account. It felt good and I could buy things that I wanted. I also learned humility as cleaning toilets and taking out trash is not glamorous and can be quite nasty. I learned that excellence in my work at every level strengthened my character. I have my parents to thank for that!

In this episode, I teach you how to get your kids involved and learning work ethic and humility through house cleaning chores. As a professional cleaner for 15 years, I'll share our family's strategy & schedule. First, we teach them how to clean and disinfect. Then we break up the house like a professional house cleaner does and assign chores to each kid based on ability. We use a biweekly cleaning schedule except for the recycling & trash (daily) and bathrooms (weekly).

  • 6 year old - recycling, helping with glass cleaning and dusting, folding & putting away own laundry, biweekly bathroom
  • 9 year old - trash, vacuum & mop stairs and upstairs
  • 12 year old - dust, vacuum & mop downstairs
  • 15 year old - bathrooms & kitchen

This is an awesome model to teach hard work done right equals money and money equals rewards. It worked for my mom and it is working for our kids. Lastly, I think many of you will appreciate my closing P.S. in this episode.

"Let's get your kids to clean... so you don't have to!"