Smart Cleaning School

Tips From My BIB

Ken Carfagno Episode 62

We are not out of the woods yet. Many are still under stay-at-home orders, while less-affected areas are returning to work. Wherever you are, my Believers in Business Networking Group can help. A few weeks ago, we put out a document with tips from each member's expertise and personal experience to help survive & thrive through this crisis. I think you'll find these tips useful for your business and family. My own contribution was my tips on the "9 Mistakes in Disinfecting"

Evan Gehman (Gehman Construction) - Tips on overall personal & business health

  • Emotional / Family – Focus on what matters most. Cut distractions of sports, TV, busyness. Invest your time with your family & community, go on walks and/or bike rides, and visit neighbors along the way (from a distance).
  • Spiritual – Reflection and remembrance of God’s faithfulness in past times of difficulty and crisis in the Bible and especially in our own family – More prayer time with the LORD and family – More time to worship together as a family
  • Business – Checking with clients to see how they are doing – continuing to care for those relationships – Great opportunity to share the reason for the hope that we have – see if there is a need that can be met - look for new creative ways to adjust business – visioning and have a plan to be ready to go when restrictions are relaxed – Ways to reassure clients of precautions you take for their safety  

Mary Ann Alig (Fox & Roach Realtors) - More tips on overall personal health

  • Mental - Learn a new language is free, I'm trying to learn Italian.
  • Physical - Be active.  I can't get to my gym, set up a small workout space in the attic.  Also,  has a 3-month membership for $39, but you can get a free 14 day trial under that program.  They offer lots of workout videos.
  • Spiritual - Daily email from Rick Warren, which is very inspirational.

Lauren Allegrezza (Marketing to Mission) - Tips on marketing for your business health during this time to help later

  • Set up your Google My Business profile. If it's already set up, use this time to ask customers for reviews (& also go and leave reviews for your favorite local & small businesses). If anyone in the group needs help with this, I am more than happy to help for free.
  • Make content to use later. Write a blog post of your best tips for your industry. Record a few short videos. Write posts for social media that you can publish later. 
  • Learn. There are so many resources out there to help us grow. Many of them are now free. MOZ is now offering most of its courses for free (for example, courses about SEO). Personally, I'm trying to take advantage of resources to grow my skills so that I can serve my clients better.

Read the rest of this article at the Solo Cleaning School website