Why Am I Laughing?

Episode 13 | Why is Robin Williams Funny?

December 07, 2016 Why Am I Laughing
This week on Why Am I Laughing, Ben and RJ talk about the legendary Robin Williams. Robin is no longer with us, but his contagious comedic spirit will live on. So put on your fat suit, grab your rainbow suspenders, and stand on top of your desk; you ain't never heard a podcast like this. *Applause* 3:20 - Box Office: Potential Barbie movie starring Amy Schumer4:35 - Television: Emma Stone hosts SNL for her third time, now among the ranks of Will Ferrell, Lilly Tomlin, Martin Short, and Robin Williams.6:57 - Robin Williams (A Brief History)9:49 - Why is Robin Williams Funny?44:21 - Ben’s Wacky Facts55:05 - #WAILMAILoftheWeekWant us to read your email on next week's show?Send your words to whyamIlaughingpod@gmail.comYou can always find our podcast on: iTunes Podcast app : goo.gl/p8BOlU Google Play : goo.gl/rsldp9 Stitcher : goo.gl/mtIGvk TuneInRadio: goo.gl/XkpKdr Twitter: @WAILPod https://twitter.com/WAILPod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whyamilaughing/ PodTyrant: goo.gl/srVA3PCheck out other amazing podcasts on the PodTyrant network at Podtyrant.com or GeekTyrant.com Robin Williams’ Inside the Actor’s Studio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_180P6Jj_s&t=2952sMork from Ork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ZOShgW44YRun By Fruiting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-WMuNSr6PYFriend Like Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99Op1TaXmCwGood Morning Vietnam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erf2iFHG44M Pancake Face Email Pic: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cf/e1/65/cfe165f4b8971040acc04f4629e495c6.jpg