Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Do Not Lose Heart: Blessings for Graduates

SMC preachers

Blessings for graduates abound! Today's homily by Pastor Megan (starts at 19:00) is a pastoral blessing for high school graduates and ALL. About not losing heart... until we inevitably do... and then what?? Also: pudgie pies & inherited tradition, but you're going to have to listen to make that "infinitely more tasty" connection. What a joy to be led by Pastor Amy (starts at 27:35) in wrapping each of our high school graduates in a hand-made comforter made just for each one, to bless them, and to send them with our love and our prayers! 
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Be thou my vision - Words: Traditional Irish, translated by Mary E. Byrne; Music by Martin Shaw © 1931, Oxford University Press.
  • Guide my feet - Words and Music: African-American Spiritual; Harmonization by Wendell Whalum, © Estate of Wendell Whalum.

Other credits:

  • Som’lan dela (We will follow) - Words and Music by Zimbabwean traditional
  • When God Made Light, by Matthew Paul Turner, Illus. by David Catrow.