Upside Down Podcast

Episode 64 - Embodied Solidarity

Kayla Craig, Lindsy Wallace Season 4 Episode 65

Join us as we welcome Dr. Larycia Hawkins, who talks about her experience when, in 2015, she declared her intention to don a hijab in embodied solidarity with Muslim sisters throughout Advent and what transpired afterward. Host Lindsy Wallace and co-host Gina Ciliberto join in the conversation.

Dr. Hawkins is a scholar, political science professor, and activist teaching and researching at the nexus of politics, race, ethnicity, and religion and has been called a modern-day Rosa Parks by Rev. Jesse Jackson. 

In this episode, we:

  • Dive into how Larycia decided to embody solidarity
  • Soak in what was learned from Muslim women
  • Examine the differences in proximity versus solidarity 
  • Humbly consider embodied solidarity as a form of death
  • Dare to be hopeful during the exile in the wilderness

Join us as we explore how to not only be for others but also with them. May we be people who are emboldened to embody justice to speak truth to power and to take risks as we follow Jesus.  

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