The James Granstrom Podcast - Super Soul Model series

How to Manifest Your Desires Using Scripting

James Granstrom Season 1 Episode 153

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Unleash the magic of the universe and harness its power to manifest your desires by using the scripting method.

"Use your imagination until your big dream  feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step".
-Abraham Hicks

This year I was inspired to write out a  scripting letter as it had worked for a  fellow You Tuber and  I thought why not give it a go and lets see if this law of attraction process works because I wanted to go the next level of manifesting. To my astonishment, several things from a letter I wrote out  (as if they had already happened)  came true  within a short period of time. This method was originally inspired by an Abraham Hicks video and in this episode I am going to share with you  how you can  script your own letter to the universe and start manifesting your own desires. 

I share insights about how to write  your scripting  letter so you can begin your journey to manifesting what you really want. If you've been discouraged in the past, then this scripting process may just change your fortunes around as it did for me. 

Are you ready for the next level ? Tune in and get a pen and paper ready. 

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Speaker 1:

Are you wanting to manifest your desires, yet at some level of your being you feel a little discouraged. Then, if that's the case, get a piece of paper and a pen ready, because I want to share with you a process that has literally transformed my life this year when I've applied it. So get ready to manifest your desires and grab that piece of paper and a pen. Hello and welcome to the James Grunge from Podcast Super Soul Model series, where I help you tune and tap into your natural state of well-being. Have you ever tried to manifest something and it seems super slow and coming? Yet you've tried to manifest other things and it's been really easy. Maybe it's like a parking space or maybe it's like a free drink somewhere. The difference between the two is that one you believe is possible really easily, yet the other requires just a little bit more belief and practice of a vibration because it means something more to you. And because it means something more to you, it means you've got more attachment and so you find that very difficult at some level of your being to begin to attract that in, because law of attraction states this one thing like attracts, like like unto itself is drawn. So when you believe something is possible, it can come in really easily, but when you believe something takes a little bit more time, then it will be a little bit more slow and coming, and the difference between the two is the vibration that you're sending out into the universe. So I want to share with you a process that has absolutely worked for me this year in a very short space amount of time, and it's called scripting. Now, I learned it originally from Abraham Hicks and by a fellow YouTuber called Life by Lucy, and I'm a firm believer in just sharing the message of people who are doing amazing things that actually work, and when I listened and applied, I got some incredible results that have changed my life and my family's life for the better. And I want to share with you what I did to manifest something really important to me this year just by this scripting process.

Speaker 1:

So when you believe something, it can come into experience right away. In fact I'm going to say it in a better way what you are living right now you believe and what you don't have in your life right now you don't believe. Now there are a lot of things in your life right now that you believe, that are fantastic, but yet there are still a few things that you're wanting to attract and draw into your experience. So you need to practice the frequency or the feeling of what it is that you want long enough so that it can draw into your experience. This is what Dr Joe D'Spenser talks about scientifically in the quantum field, lynn McTaggart talks about in the book the Field and Abraham Hicks talks about practicing the vibration as if you've already got it. Now this is done in really really simple terms. Whether you're a scientist or a spiritualist doesn't really matter, as long as you can understand this. What you send out vibrationally, what you send out through feeling, if you practice that feeling long enough which is happiness, health, success, abundance, having then your experience, your heart energy and your gut, energy that's sending out to the quantum field is picking that energy up, that energy signature and it's coming back into your experience. And when you start to script out your life as if it's already done and you're reading it back and practicing the words, practicing the feeling as though it's already done, you begin to practice the vibration which sends out to the quantum field and brings it back to you in the forms of events and things and people and places in your life. And that's exactly what I did this year when I wrote a scripting letter, and I want to share with you what I did and what happened on my scripting letter. So scripting is really writing a letter to a higher power of sorts. Maybe that's angels, maybe that's God, maybe that's the universe, maybe that's Abraham Hicks whoever it may be, writing out a letter as if it's already done. Dear God, dear universe, dear guardian angels, thank you, thank you, thank you. And this is what I learned from Life by Lucy in the YouTube channel, and this was based upon a video that she saw and that I actually saw many years ago, yet overlooked it and just thought nothing of it, didn't try it.

Speaker 1:

Yet it was this year, when I was really wanting to sell the villa because I've been looking after my mom for two and a half years, that I really needed to sell the villa and allow mom to get back to the UK, and I needed to move on with my life after caring for my mom, after my dad died, and it just seemed as though we'd had literally hundreds of viewings and yet no one had placed an offer. That was what we wanted until I decided to script a letter again. Now, I'd had done this previously, already in the year, like in January, on my phone, and I'd written some specific, long-winded things that I really wanted to have in my experience, and I read it for like 30 to maybe even 60 days, in the morning, in the evening, just off my phone. Yet nothing was transpiring, and so I thought, oh, this is not working. So I decided to put pen to paper and write a brief letter of some new things that I wanted on my script, as if it was already done. So I'd be practicing the feeling, practicing the frequency of what I wanted, which was to sell the villa, and I wrote thank you, abraham and Guardian Angels. And I wrote I've now sold the villa easily to the perfect people and for the perfect price, and mom has all happily set up, she's super happy, as are all my family and everyone's in great miraculous health, and we did so well from the sale. And I wrote that down. And I also wrote down that I wanted to meet someone and that I had a new girlfriend, and that happened within Three days. I met someone really special within about three days of me writing this. In fact, I met at the very next day, but I didn't take her out on a date until about three or four days later, and it blew my mind because I'd written this down and within 11 days of me writing, I've now sold the villa.

Speaker 1:

We accepted an offer on the house and we accepted a really good offer on the house, and that was literally after about two and a half years of not selling the property. So what can you take away from this? What you want to take away from this is that when you say something and read something as if it's already done over and over again, particularly first thing in the morning and lasting at the night, you're practicing the vibrational frequency that goes out into the quantum field and will draw people, places and events to you. And that is what happened to me when we sold the villa. So I wrote this on June 21st and I dated it, as Lucy said in her video, and then we accepted an offer on the 29th of June, something like that, and then we moved out at the end of September. This literally blew my mind because I was under a lot of pressure to try and get my mom back to the UK and, as it transpires, I've ended up staying in Spain. Yet mom has gone back to the UK and she's all happily set up in a new place now. Just as I'd written Now, whilst this was all working and happening, I'd gone back to my script and gone.

Speaker 1:

My golly, this is really working. And so I started writing other scripts of other things I wanted and practicing it for 30 days, and so I started scripting a new place, which I'm now in and I wrote that down as well after this one, because I knew I needed to move into a new place in October when I knew we were moving out and I scripted and that's where I'm at right now and I'm absolutely blown away. And then I realized I went back to my phone when I wrote my first scripting letter that I wrote in January and looked at for 60 days and thought, oh, nothing on that's come true, and I started ticking off like literally five things off that. So what I wanted to have happen really quickly. Some things happen really fast and some things have taken really long amounts of time.

Speaker 1:

But what I want to share with you is it doesn't matter the amount of time. What matters is you practice the frequency, because when you're ready it will show up in your experience when you let it go. So you constantly need to practice the frequency and vibration of something that you want, as if it's now, until you just can let it go. And that's the difference between wanting something lightly and wanting something with a lot of attachment. With a lot of attachment, because the things that you want with a lot of attachment cannot come into experience because you haven't let them go. That's why it's easy to manifest maybe a car parking space or a free drink, but it might be a little bit more challenging to manifest like a big sum of money.

Speaker 1:

So how would you start writing a scripting letter? Well, you start first of all writing thank you higher power, thank you God, thank you Guardian Angels, thank you Abraham, whatever it is that you believe in, and you start saying something like I now have this in my experience and it's so nice to have this feeling of abundance, of success and resolve in my life. So this simple scripting method can literally change your experience, can change what you attract, and the only reason why it's going to change what you attract is because you're going to practice the feelings as if it's already done. Most people only observe what they're getting, which means they're getting more of what they're getting, and you have to go beyond that as if it's already done. That's why reading a letter twice a day for 30 days and, depending on how much you want it, you might want to read it for 60 days or even 90 days, until you've kind of conditioned yourself that that is A strong possibility now and you expect it because when you expect it, it's going to come into your experience and often the things that you really want, which is more money, an improved relationship of sorts, an improved bodily condition or whatever it may be, an improved condition of something it cannot arrive in your experience until you expect it or you believe it. And when you're reading your letter out over and over again, twice a day, for 30 days at a bare minimum, you're going to be surprised and delighted by what shows up, because you've practiced that vibration over and over again, so you can expect it.

Speaker 1:

Because when you're reading something over and over again, like an actor in a play or an actor in a movie, the reason why actors always get paid really, really well, particularly the best ones, is because you believe them. And when you're believing emotion, it moves you as well, which is why you want to begin to believe what you're reading with emotion. You want to read it out, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, with a little emotion. So you begin to feel your script like you're the actor in your own play. That's why Shakespeare wrote we are all actors in our own play. Life is but a stage and everyone is a player. What he was saying is is that we're all actors, and when you script out your own letter using this principle, what you're actually going to find is is that you're starting to morph into this new identity, this new version of yourself. So, whatever it is that you want, start writing out.

Speaker 1:

I now have maybe I'll give an example. I now have more money in my bank accounts than ever before. It's so nice to have this abundance and freedom, and that's exactly what I noticed in my experience. I started to attract more money and I said I love thinking about what I want to buy next and what I want to invest in and what travel destinations to visit and take my family and new girlfriend. And when I read that back to myself, I give that a tick and go oh my golly, I can actually do that now because my assets I invested in started to accrue in value, and so that gave me a great feeling of like abundance, freedom and security. And when the villa was sold within 11 days, I was like, oh my God, this scripting thing really works. And when I met somebody special, like a new girlfriend, I was literally blown away. I was like this scripting works.

Speaker 1:

And so here I am saying, whilst not everything on my list has come to pass right now, I know that in divine time it will work, because a few of those things have already come to pass, which is pretty good if you really think about it. So if there's more things that you want, you have to begin to believe them. So don't write things that you can't yet physically believe. They have to be at some level a possibility that you can believe them. And sometimes, when you're writing numbers or specific numbers, you might not yet believe that and while your mind might begin to accept that, particularly at the subconscious level, when you are entering theta first thing in the morning and last thing at night. But I would say, try and be as general as you can to start with, so you're getting some success within that first 30 days. And just notice if there's something you wanted Particularly with us.

Speaker 1:

I did believe that we'd sell the house, but I didn't know when. But what was so funny was the people that came to the property came literally 11 days after I'd written that and said, oh, we love the house. And the next thing we knew was that was on a Friday. I'd written this, I think, on a Tuesday, and by the Monday they placed an offer blown away. My whole family is literally over the moon, and so was I.

Speaker 1:

But, more importantly, I felt powerful because of this scripting process, so that I've kept to myself but I'm sharing with you. So if you wanting to enhance your life, enhance the quality of your life and start manifesting what you really want, then you've got to start practicing the vibration of it. And scripting is one of the best processes I have ever come across and I'm so thankful to the YouTuber, life by Lucy, for sharing that with me. I'm so grateful for Abraham Hicks for their constant processes that they spew out on YouTube. But, more importantly, I'm so proud of myself for actually applying it, because when you apply it and get your own result, that's the teacher, that's the experience, and I'm a messenger here wanting to empower you with things that really, really work for your health, your well-being, for your mind, your body and your soul. I'm telling you, this really has worked for me, particularly where I'm living right now new, improved financial conditions, my mum and everything working out with her having moved it back to the UK, you know, all of these things have literally blown my mind.

Speaker 1:

So if that can happen to me, what can happen to you is all dependent about what you're going to script about as if it's already done. So keep remembering I now have this followed by a feeling of how it would feel, and don't just write good, right, I feel secure, I feel happy, I feel abundant, I feel freedom. You've got to use words that have emotion in them. So if you're inspired by this scripting process, then get a piece of paper and a pen right out at the top thank you Guardian Angels, thank you Universe or whatever higher power, thank you God, and then write right I now have this in my life and then write how it would feel as if it's done, and then at the end, you write five paragraphs of things that you want. I now have followed by the feeling, and then at the end, thank you, thank you, thank you, and then read that twice a day. So if it can work for me, it can work for you.

Speaker 1:

But I would say this is let the timeframe be natural. You plant a seed for a tomato and it takes as long as it takes for a tomato to grow. Now some of the things will be easier to come into experience. Some of the things may be a bit slower in your experience and get excited to read it, and read it just before you go to bed and when you wake up, literally first thing. So you're conditioning that subconscious mind over and over again at what it is that you want, as if it's already done, and just hold that feeling for a bit longer when you're reading it.

Speaker 1:

When I was right thinking about the villa, I was like I've now sold it and I was like, yeah, that feels really really good. Or I've now got an amazing new place and that feels really really good. Feel those feelings and let them last, you know, as long as they get to about 16, 17 seconds of that feeling of oh, it feels amazing. Then you're sending that out to the quantum field and the universe will deliver in time. You've got to practice that feeling over and over again until, like an actor in your own play and your own story and your own movie, you are the part, and that is when unexpected, beautiful serendipities will happen in your life, like they did for me. And, by the way, one of the things that was really amazing me selling that villa is that my dad had always wanted to sell to a Swedish person because he's Swedish, my mom's English and the couple that ended up buying the property she was Swedish and he was Spanish. So it was literally amazing how it all came together and what a blessing it's all been and what a win-win it's all been, because they said this was their dream home.

Speaker 1:

Life is magical and I'm telling you this works. But don't believe me until you script out your own magic. And this magic will become reality when you practice the frequency, practice the energy, practice the emotion of it, practice the feeling of it time and time again, and that's why you want to do it twice a day. But, like I said, don't believe me until you get your own experience and then come back and share with me what your findings are, because this has literally blown my mind this year. One caveat I'd like to say is the timing is not your job, that's the universe's job, but your job is literally to write out what you want as if it's already done, with feeling how it feels as though it's already done. This has happened, this is how it feels, and you are literally blown away by how amazing your life is Now.

Speaker 1:

Be general to start with and then notice if things come to pass from your first letter in the first three to six months. Then write another script, because that's what I've done. I've written several scripts now just as a result of a few things coming together. So I was like, if this can work well, then this can work. So you're literally strengthening your manifestation muscle. So if you're inspired, write your letter, write back to me, write into me, find me on social, write under this video, write into the podcast and tell me what's worked for you, because life is magical and sometimes we needed to be reminded of the magic, and that's why I love sharing this on the podcast. Now, until the next episode, I wish you a wonderful week ahead and green lights all the way. Cool in between, with earphones.