CS2 News Podcast

TIPA Platform Series 36/40 – H01 – Int’l Issues – Rain Forest Preservation Agreement

A J Wildman

This TIPA problem-solving proposal deals with International Issues.   

Please reference the Podcast for more details on this important Global Climate proposal.  
Preservation of all remaining Rain Forest areas around the world will become a Global Climate Priority Action under my administration.  

I will work with and thru the United Nations (UN), to make certain they serve their Global Climate Standard purpose.  The Global Climate Standard (GCS).  I will present a declaration to the UN stating, 

      ALL will development that threatens to destroy any portion or plant in any Rain Forest areas around the world – will ease on or before 09/30/2021.  If necessary, military action will be taken to enforce this critical Climate protection.  

Now is the time for the obvious stupidity of destroying the Rain Forests in order to make corporate profits, comes to an end.  Affected business entities will be compensated in some way for the loss, but businesses will ease operations. 


"The times are changing, whether we like or can even see it coming". 
To view the video versions of the entire TIPA platform see the Solutions option at our website www.commonsense2nd.com. 


Read/download the full 718-page book CS2 at https://commonsense2009.typepad.com/ 


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