CS2 News Podcast

TIPA Platform Series 40/40 – H05 – Int’l Issues – World Population Control Agreement

A J Wildman Episode 40

This TIPA problem-solving proposal deals with International Issues.   

It is the Truth.  Our two greatest threats to civilization are World Over-population and Sea Level Rise. The bottom line… Unchecked over-population will wipe-out humanity due to exhausting natural resources.  Sea Level Rise will make more and more areas unavailable for living spaces and/or farming.   

We need to cap the World population at about 7.8 Billion people.  Then practically drop it down to 7.0 Billion or less.  It would have a direct and positive impact on slowing Sea Level Rise. Frankly, because there would be far fewer of us "carbon units". Think about it. The sooner we begin, then the easier it will all be to do.  This will cause a great debate!  

Please reference the Podcast for more details.  


"The times are changing, whether we like or can even see it coming". 

To view the video versions of the entire TIPA platform see the Solutions option at our website www.commonsense2nd.com. 


Read/download the full 718-page book CS2 at https://commonsense2009.typepad.com/ 


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