CS2 News Podcast

The 2020 American Food and Housing Stability Plan and Covid-19 Control

March 23, 2020 A J Wildman Season 1 Episode 2

Under the Independent Platform of The Independent Party of America (TIPA) and the A J Wildman 2020 Independent Campaign for President of the United States - are the critical Cost-of-Living issues of Food and Housing.  The full title of this 12-page document is,

The 2020 American Food and Housing Stability Programs and Supporting a National Lock Down to Stop Covid-19.   The full document PDF and Podcast link are found at www.commonsense2nd.com . 

In this presentation, I review the Reforms required in our Pre-Covid-19 economy.  Then, review the stronger measures required to help our People in the assaulted economy. 

And I confront our need to conduct a 30 to 45, if not 60-day Shut Down or Shelter in Place National Involuntary Exercise to Effectively Mitigate the Covid-19 Spread.  To start by or before April 1st.  And be in effect until at late as May 30th.  A 60-Day Covid-19 Mitigation Period. 

This is the Nation's #1 Priority until the entire country is geographically cleared of Covid-19 cases. We will need to clear the entire nation county-by-county, and zipcode-by-zipcode. 

This fixed, coordinated period of National Shut Down -- offers offers the business community and Wall Street the best Economic Restart Date possible.     

If the President will not do this, the National Governors Association (NGA) must step forward and lead.  Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is the Chair the NGA and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is the Vice-chair.  They must lead NOW!!!

                                   Go to www.commonsense2nd.com !!!

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