CS2 News Podcast

50 States COVID-19 60-Day Mitigation by April 7th or More People Die in June

A J Wildman Season 1 Episode 1

(The MP4 video version of this is my CS2NEWS YouTube Channel. )

PLEASE PASS THIS ON !!  We need all 50 States in Mitigation and practicing extreme Social Distancing ASAP!!  Thank You, so much.


This is about Coordinating and Mandating a 60-Day Mitigation Event in all 50 States and have it all running by Tuesday April 7th.  Only the 50 State Governors can Order this in their respective

The following is taken from the document of the same name.

No we will focus on America’s Number One public problem and threat. Stopping the lethal spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus across our country.  Most people that I have talked with about this prudent solution, already know that it is the action the nation must take.   The People understand.  

The proposed and critically required Nationwide 60-Day Mitigation Event:

 a.     It will begin on Wednesday April 1st.The following 60-days will allow three (3) full 20-day cycles to elapse with anyone practicing S/D to the best of their ability.   

b.     The Mitigation Event will then end on Saturday May 30th.  New cases by the end of May are expected to be at a minimum and we will be working some remaining Hot Spots around the nation.  

c.     By May 15th we will have an informed idea of what our flexibilities and constraints are.  We will adjust our plan accordingly and make certain that it focuses on the health and economic stability of our People.  

Only this approach, with its certain target dates – will provide American businesses small and large, and Wall Street with a short-term time-table to help stage the ramping-up of our struggling economy.  Otherwise, the Covid-19 Community Spread will continue to flow just like water into towns everywhere and our economy will remain stuck in Neutral.  That is an avoidable disaster.  

I hereby challenge our Press to ask  financial experts Jim Cramer and Maria Bartiromo for their opinions on this timetable. It is predictable short-term pain that will do the most to free the Main Street economy.  Wall Street should grudgingly approve of this aggressive solution.  

To be clear, Business and National and State leadership must fully grasp the Public’s Bottom Line with clearing Covid-19 from all 50 States:  

Parents will never decide to send their children to school

 when there is an active death-threat to their well-being.  

And frankly my dear, Parents don’t give a dam about the 

DOW Jones Industrial Average when making that decision!!!

End of Excerpt

See the Home Page at commonsense2nd,com for the PDF of the document and link to the YouTube CS2NEWS Channel video about 27 minutes in length. 

PLEASE PASS THIS ON !!  We need all 50 States in Mitigation and practicing extreme Social Distancing !!  Thank You, so much.

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