Porty Podcast

133 Portobello Golf Course

David Calder, Lyall Scott

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An online campaign has been launched to persuade the people of Portobello to use the golf course. Didn’t know Porty had a golf course? Well. it was once a very popular facility – the Sir Harry Lauder Championship was played here until three or four years ago. But a year ago, demand for golf on this small, 9-hole course had fallen so much that Edinburgh Leisure, who manage it, announced plans for it to close. The ground would remain in recreational use but the golf course as we know it would have to go.

An action committee was set up to try to persuade the powers-that-be to change their minds, but thus far to no avail. Part of them problem appears to be that all-too-few people know the course is there – even in Portobello itself. There are no sign posts to advertise its presence; and it seems as if virtually no money has been spent on marketing. Porty Podcast Producer, David Calder, went to find out more.