Anchorpoint Radio

A Crisis Response - Jim Jarvis

Jim Jarvis

You know, the gospel message basically contains three elements – the problem of sin, what God in grace has done about it, and the responsibility of the sinner to repent and receive God’s offer of forgiveness. Some people hear the glorious gospel message and receive it with joy. They see it as the answer to all their sin and their need. But, you know, others (maybe most) people have to come to some sort of crisis in their lives before they are willing to take God seriously.            In our current world situation there is a crisis. People have been made to stop and take note of their lives, their values, and their priorities both pre and post Covid-19. Today’s message looks at crises in our lives and the need for each one of us to learn from them – particularly with regard to our need for God’s forgiveness in light of an eternity that awaits each one of us.