Anchorpoint Radio

The Sinner's Saviour - Phil Coulson

Phil Coulson

There are so many voices that clamour to be heard these days as we experience a worldwide pandemic. It can be both overwhelming and confusing. But we would like you to know that today’s message on Anchorpoint will not be changed into a different one tomorrow. And the truths you hear will not be fake or misrepresentations of reality. God has given us His unchanging Word – it is faithful and worthy of universal acceptance. His Word can be relied on. 1 Timothy 1:15 says “It is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” We trust that the precious truths found in this verse will be understood and received by our listeners today. And not only that, but that it would be applied personally and that Christ will be accepted and trusted for the forgiveness of sins.