Anchorpoint Radio

Without Christ in the World - Jack Hay

Jack Hay

The life story of every Christian can be divided into 3 separate time periods.The first one is the time of life spent ‘WITHOUT Christ’. We all arrived into the world as sinners, and as such, separated from God - without God and without hope in the world. What a sad condition indeed! But, after we acknowledge our sin and trust Christ, the Bible describes us as ‘IN Christ’. And what a glorious truth this is! We are seen by God as if we had never sinned – we stand before God in the righteousness of Christ Himself. And it is during this time that we are able to live our lives for His glory, enjoying His presence along the way. And finally, the third section is ‘WITH Christ’. That is, we have a secure future in heaven and will be experience the joys of Christ forever. How wonderful is that?