A Book and A Dream: An author’s adventure in writing, reading, and being an epic fangirl

Top Five Fictional Female Characters for World Domination

June 08, 2020 Megan O'Russell Season 1 Episode 29
Top Five Fictional Female Characters for World Domination
A Book and A Dream: An author’s adventure in writing, reading, and being an epic fangirl
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A Book and A Dream: An author’s adventure in writing, reading, and being an epic fangirl
Top Five Fictional Female Characters for World Domination
Jun 08, 2020 Season 1 Episode 29
Megan O'Russell

It's time for world domination, which is going to take some serious girl power!

In this episode of A Book and A Dream, Megan O'Russell shares her top five picks for fictional females she'd want by her side as she fights to become the ultimate world ruler.

Show Notes Transcript

It's time for world domination, which is going to take some serious girl power!

In this episode of A Book and A Dream, Megan O'Russell shares her top five picks for fictional females she'd want by her side as she fights to become the ultimate world ruler.

Megan: [00:00:02] No. You don't get to do that right now. We're taking over the world. Calm down. Eat a cookie.


Announcement: [00:00:09] Let's go. Welcome to A Book and a Dream with Megan O'Russell: An Author's Adventure in Writing, Reading, and Being an Epic Fangirl.


Megan: [00:00:28] Hello, my name is Megan O'Russell, and welcome to Episode 29 of A Book and a Dream.


Megan: [00:00:35] The time has come to take over the world.


Megan: [00:00:38] Now, whether we've decided that it's a dystopian nightmare with horrible leaders and we have to seize control, or maybe we've just decided that world domination sounds fun. Let's pick our top five females that we would put on our team when we take over the world.


Megan: [00:00:55] Now, the first one is not going to come as a surprise to any of you all. She has already gone for world domination once. Katniss Everdeen. Now Katniss from Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games is a pretty clear and obvious choice. First of all, she has experience in revolution. She obviously look good... Looks good on camera and is very good at rallying the troops for your cause, because that's going to be our first goal. We have to make sure that we have the people behind us so that, you know, when we take over the world, they're happy we're there. So Katniss Everdeen snags my number one slot.


Megan: [00:01:29] Vin from the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson is in my number two slot. She's a little not as good―I don't mean to critique―but not as good at rallying the troops as Katniss. Maybe because she's a little bit terrifying sometimes.


Megan: [00:01:47] But if we're going to have to go into an epic battle, I would love to have Vin by my side. You may not have read Mistborn. It's not as popular as Hunger Games, probably because it's like really long.


Megan: [00:02:01] But she can shoot bits of metal through lots of people at one time. So really, you want her on your team because there's a thousand people coming at you. Katniss can't do very much.


Megan: [00:02:12] This is gonna be, like, real helpful.


Megan: [00:02:16] Number three on my list is Scarlet from Marissa Meyer's Scarlett.


Megan: [00:02:21] Why? Because at some point, the troops might get rowdy, they might get tired, they might get hungry, they might start to dissent.


Megan: [00:02:29] And you know what? Scarlet is going to walk up to them and say no. No, you don't get to do that right now. We're taking over the world. Calm down. Eat a cookie. Let's go. She doesn't take nonsense from anyone. She can take on a bunch of weird genetically engineered wolves and, like, not break a sweat.


Megan: [00:02:52] Scarlet's our girl for managing the troops. We're just going to put her in charge. She's going to take great care of them.


Megan: [00:03:00] The number four pick: Inej from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Why do we need her? Because not all battles are won in the open. We might need secret information. We might need to steal something. We might need to break in somewhere.


Megan: [00:03:16] I have to have someone slip into a building to I don't know. Give me codes or kidnap somebody. I don't know. Whatever your covert deal of the day is. I want the Wraith on my side because she's going to climb up the inside of that chimney. Slip in. Get in. Get out. Give me what I need. And like, dart across the roofline like a little fairy afterwards. We need her.


Megan: [00:03:39] My number five pick may seem a little bit cliche, but bear with me.


Megan: [00:03:45] We're taking Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. Why?


Megan: [00:03:50] Not because she's a witch, not because she saved Harry and Ron for seven books and didn't get nearly enough appreciation, but because once we have the world in our grasp, someone's going to have to actually like, write laws and rule people.


Megan: [00:04:07] And while world domination sounds fun, creating a new constitution that has equal rights for all people or, you know, depending on the world you're taking over, creatures, is going to be hard. There's going to be a lot of technicalities. A lot of research involved.


Megan: [00:04:22] So even if Hermione had no magic and was not a witch, I would still want her on my team just for her constitution creation abilities.


Megan: [00:04:29] So those are my top five females I would take on my world domination expedition. So who would you put on your team? Who would you take with you if you said, you know what, I'm going to rule the world today?


Megan: [00:04:47] Answer in the comments. Shoot me a message on social media. And don't forget to like, follow, subscribe, all those lovely things that tell the algorithms that you want to make sure that you don't miss any of these videos or podcasts.


Megan: [00:05:00] And don't forget to pick your team because, you know, world domination. You have to plan these things in advance. Till next time.