Destination Church Spokane Podcast

Remarkable Part 18: Rescuing The One (Mark 5:1-20)

August 25, 2020 Jon Meek II

Can you imagine Jesus making a special trip just for you? In the middle of your messed up life, Jesus steps in just to set you free? This is what happens in the beginning of Mark 5 when Jesus sails across the sea and rescues one seriously oppressed man, and sends him home with a story to tell. And Jesus isn't afraid to wreck the status quo to loose this man's story! While the others in the Decapolis rejected Jesus initially, this one man and his story of rescue will fill the entire region with awe. Your story of Jesus rescuing you out of your "crazy" is just as powerful to those who know you and your messed up history, and can see the transformation Jesus is making in your life.