The American Constitutionalist

The American Constitutionalist Episode 17 – September 9, 2020

The American Constitutionalist Episode 17 – September 9, 2020

This week’s American Constitutionalist Podcast begins the first of a series on the American Resolution, a broad base appeal to American politicians to commit to the American electorate to fulfill a campaign promise returning government, order, and common sense back to the foundation of America and its people. 

First up this week the American Constitutionalist panel delve into the notion that the validation of the authority of the United States Constitution is the only law in the United States of America, divinely inspired, superseded by none other, and literal in its interpretation. 

Next, the team discuss term limits. Since America's founding in 1776, term limits have been a hotly debated issue in U.S. politics. Yet, even from the very beginning the power of term limits to guard against oligarchy and preserve representative government was well understood. American Constitutionalist Moderator Jeff Tokar is joined by panelists Cliff DeCamp, David Gibbs and Lonny Wilder.