The American Constitutionalist

The American Constitutionalist Episode 19 – September 22, 2020

The American Constitutionalist Episode 19 – September 22, 2020 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death in this past Friday. She was nominated by President Bill Clinton and was generally viewed as a moderate judge who was a consensus builder at the time of her nomination. She eventually became part of the liberal wing of the Court as the Court shifted to the right over time. Ginsburg was the second woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, after Sandra Day O'Connor.  During her tenure, Ginsburg wrote notable majority opinions.

The American Constitutionalist Podcast panel dig into some of the high points of the process involved with replacing the Supreme Court seat vacated by the passing of Justice Ginsburg.

Moderator Jeff Tokar is joined by Cliff DeCamp, David Gibbs and Lonny Wilder as they take on another of the American Resolutions: “The United States of America was founded upon a Christian Worldview, which among other things, promotes the sanctity of life”. The Resolution goes on to call for the "defunding of any federally funded organization that practices abortion or infanticide".

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