Liberal lies, liars and true believers.

Elitist politicians are running away from Covid-19 mandates.

February 17, 2022 Vincent Season 4 Episode 6
Elitist politicians are running away from Covid-19 mandates.
Liberal lies, liars and true believers.
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Liberal lies, liars and true believers.
Elitist politicians are running away from Covid-19 mandates.
Feb 17, 2022 Season 4 Episode 6

A lot of politicians want to get re-elected, so they are running away from lockdowns and mandates. But they aren't fooling anyone. 

Show Notes Transcript

A lot of politicians want to get re-elected, so they are running away from lockdowns and mandates. But they aren't fooling anyone. 

I can’t thank leaders of countries all over the world enough—for showing us who they really are. And that includes President Joe Biden—Justin Trudeau of Canada—and leaders in Australia—and Europe too. By making us wear masks for over two years—they have finally—taken off their masks and shown us who they really are. And what they really think of us. 

They don’t like us very much, do they? —and they don’t trust us either. And they really hate our kids. They barely tolerate us—but only because they need us now and then. But make no mistake—they are praying for the day when robots can do what we do. They are praying for the day when they don’t need us at all. That day can’t come soon enough for them.

We are starting to stand up to them—and they don’t like it. They took their best shot at trying to control us—and it didn’t work. It did at first—and there are still a lot of scared people—people who still buy into their BS—but the numbers are getting smaller by the day as we find out more and more about the the real science behind the Cocid-19 pandemic. 

They have been lying to us—especially about making our kids wear masks in school. Now we know that the science never told them to do that. And that Johns Hopkins study really opened our eyes. I hope you saw that study. It said that all of the lockdowns had virtually no effect on stopping the pandemic. Virtually no effect.

The only thing it did was to ruin people’s lives. It caused people to stop working and to have to rely on government to support themselves and their families. It ruined the lives of people who owned small businesses—businesses who were told to shut their doors by dumb politicians—they very same politicians who let the big stores stay open. And look at all of the great restaurants that had to close forever because of the lockdowns.

 And that doesn’t even take into account the damage the lockdowns had on our mental health—especially the mental health of our kids. But a lot of private schools never shut down—so the children of the elites never had to suffer. And in Europe entire countries never shut down their schools—and it had no effect whatsoever. But the teachers’ unions here didn’t want to go to work—so they kept schools closed—or they did remote learning—which was really a way to promote remote ignorance. But the teachers liked it because they didn’t have to work—and that was great for them.

But the politicians didn’t have to follow their own rules, did they? —and they still don’t. And they truly loved the power the pandemic gave them, didn’t they? And they still do.  They kept on telling us that everything they were doing was for our own good—and now we see it was all a lie.  The science is finally catching up to them—and they are all running away from it now.

Even democrats are running away from it and they’re dropping all their mandates too. You would hope they are doing it because they have seen the science and they are now following it. But if you thought that you would be wrong. They are ending all the mandates because they are concerned about the elections coming up—and they are afraid that reality is about to come crashing down on them.

And the Biden administration still won’t come out and say that students shouldn’t be wearing masks—and probably never should have been wearing them. They are still so afraid of the teachers’ unions that they can’t tell the truth. And they will never stand up to the teachers. Imagine that. 

But the good news is that students all over America have learned a real-life lesson because of the pandemic. Teachers don’t care about them—and they never did. They don’t even like kids—they just like taking the summer off—just like the kids they teach. Now—I know there are teachers who do care—a lot of them—but what good are they if they are too afraid to stand up to their radical union leaders? 

Another thing the pandemic has taught us is that the two-party system as we know it in America is dead and buried. There are very few real democrats or republicans anymore—they just aren’t the same for the most part. We saw what the pandemic did to politicians—it exposed them. They had a lot of power—and they liked it—and that’s very dangerous to our democracy.

They saw themselves as leaders—but the reality said something different. Just because you won an election—just because you have power—it doesn’t mean you are a leader. In many cases the pandemic showed us that most of our so-called leaders are just petty tyrants—tyrants who cared more about power than the science. It showed us the worst side of our politicians.

But maybe that’s a good thing. Our children will grow up knowing that teachers need to be challenged. They will know that it is wrong to believe everything they say just because they are teachers. Teachers need to stick to teaching and stop preaching about things they know nothing about. They need to stick to reading and math and science and stay away from all of the social justice nonsense they like to preach about. Hopefully—students won’t be buying that crap anymore.

And voters should realize by now that many of our leaders and many of their followers don’t identify as democrats or republicans anymore—but as elites. We have been watching this unfold for many years now—especially in Blue States—where the lines are clearly drawn. People in government—and education—and big business—they think of themselves as elites. They don’t say it—but being a democrat or a republican isn’t very important to them.

What is important is having the right opinions—what is important is knowing that you are smarter than everyone else—what is important is the absolute belief that anyone who doesn’t believe what you believe is inferior. Isn’t that what we have today in America? Yes—I know that most of the elites are former democrats—but there are plenty of Republicans who are on that side too.

And I am convinced that if we kept on electing traditional democrats and republicans we would have eventually arrived at authoritarian socialism. It may have taken a long time—but it would have happened.  I also believe that it was Donald Trump who upset the plan. I’m not sure that was his intent—but he did it. He also made the elites so mad that they dropped all of their pretenses—and their masks—and now openly support socialism.

The pandemic proved once and for all that our elected leaders have no faith in us—no faith in our judgement—and every time that has happened in history—governments have used that belief to seize power. They tried to use the pandemic as a means to an end—they tried to use it as a weapon against us—a weapon aimed at taking away our freedom.

And that’s where we are now—and there is no escaping the reality—the reality that can’t be ignored any longer. There are the elites who are demanding that we give them the power to run our lives—and then there are the rest of us—and that group is made up of people who want freedom from bad leaders. Its as simple as that. They have proven they can’t lead. They have proven that they have no common sense at all. They have proven that they are far more interested in having power—than in doing the right thing for the people they represent. And they have proven that their rules are for us and not for them and their followers.

Look no further than the climate change mob. Even though none of their predictions come true—they keep on predicting disaster for the planet. And they keep telling us that we need to get used to doing with less to protect the planet. Yet they keep flying in their private jets and living in big houses and doing nothing they demand that we do. And they keep letting China do whatever they want. If they really thought the planet is going to die, they would declare war on China to make them stop polluting the world. 

But Covid taught us that they will do anything to get power. They will lie about masks and lockdowns and schools—anything to get their way. But they have lost their big chance because we aren’t buying their hypocrisy anymore. They are the elites—but they are dumb. We are the deplorables—but we have common sense. And our common sense is telling us that all of their lies about the pandemic and social justice and climate change—are just being used to give them power. 

And we are through with all of it. And come this November we are going to tell them we are through with it because we are going to vote them out of office. They like power too much—and we like common sense. And common sense always wins in the end.