Liberal lies, liars and true believers.

Woke democrats are going down with the ship!

January 11, 2022 Vincent Season 4 Episode 3
Woke democrats are going down with the ship!
Liberal lies, liars and true believers.
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Liberal lies, liars and true believers.
Woke democrats are going down with the ship!
Jan 11, 2022 Season 4 Episode 3

President Joe Bidens' policies are wildly unpopular, but he insists that everything is great. Is he delusional? Yes, but democrats are going to push their radical and unpopular ideas right up to the midterm elections.  Good for them because they are going to suffer a crushing defeat in November.

Show Notes Transcript

President Joe Bidens' policies are wildly unpopular, but he insists that everything is great. Is he delusional? Yes, but democrats are going to push their radical and unpopular ideas right up to the midterm elections.  Good for them because they are going to suffer a crushing defeat in November.

Isn’t it great?  Woke democrats are going down with the ship. They are doubling down on insanity and they are determined to drown in a sea of wokeness. I can’t believe they are this dumb—but apparently—and thankfully— they are. The president and his policies are being totally rejected by the American people—yet—democrats don’t seem to care. 

They are oblivious to the pleas of the American people to stop the insanity. They have no intention of changing their policies—even though many members of their own party are urging them to do something—anything—so they can avoid the biggest mid-term election disaster in history.

They are going to keep acting like angry children—and it’s going to cost them dearly. It seems like the more their ideas are rejected the madder they get. But instead of listening to their critics—they keep coming up with arguments in favor of their policies. Or they ignore the will of the people completely because—well—because—I guess they figure they have a chance to change enough minds to ram through their socialist dreams.

The only democrats listening to the people are Joe Manchin and Kirstin Sinema—and what does it get them? It gets them a lot of rage from fellow democrats. AOC and the squad hate them—and so do most members of the mainstream media. When you watch any of the major networks or the left-wing cable networks—they have nothing but scorn for them—especially for Joe Manchin. 

They hate him—even though his approval rating among voters is getting better—after he told his fellow democrats that he will not support the build back better scam being pushed by President Biden. The president is committed to making America a socialist country—against the will of the people—and Manchin is standing in his way.

Democrats are trying everything to convince him that socialism is the best future for America—but he isn’t buying it—at least for the time being. And the good news is that the American people aren’t buying it either. But that doesn’t matter to Biden and the mainstream democrat party. They are convinced that the American people can’t be trusted and they need to be ruled by a bunch of elite idiots—idiots who have no common sense—people who have ruined nearly every place where they are in power.

That’s the reason democrats are convinced that socialism is the only way to go. They hate the average American citizen. They hold us in contempt. They hate us so much that in spite of every poll telling them that their policies are not working—that they are unpopular because they aren’t working—they continue to tell one lie after another—lies meant to convince us that these failed ideas—will work. 

The president is failing when it comes to his Covid policies. Inflation is out of control. He pays people not to work and it’s ruining the economy and attacking the work ethic. His immigration policies are threatening the security of our country. His weak foreign policy is encouraging our enemies. And the list goes on and on.

And his latest and greatest lie is that he and his fellow socialists are trying to save democracy. They want us to believe that they are trying to save democracy—save it by eliminating it. I don’t know how they ever came up with this beauty of a lie—but they have—and they are going to ride it all the way to November of 2022. How did they get this stupid? Or better yet—why do they think we are this stupid? So stupid—that we would put a bunch of totally incompetent people in charge of our country permanently. 

Just because they have gotten away with ruining most American cities doesn’t mean voters in the rest of the country are just as dumb as Chicago voters are. They aren’t—and democrats are going to learn that lesson the hard way. They want to save democracy by taking over the election process. They say that America’s elections are unfair—unfair because they suppress the votes of minorities.

That lie is so ridiculous—but they keep telling it over and over. No rational person believes it—but since when does rational and democrat ever come together in the same sentence. An overwhelming number of Americans believe that voter ID is necessary and fair. An overwhelming number of Americans know that getting an ID is easy and free and anyone can get one. An overwhelming number of Americans know that an Id is needed to do almost anything—but democrat leaders keep lying.

And they don’t think we are smart enough to know they are lying. And the members of the media lie to back up the lies of the democrats. Our so-called impartial media lies every day to help Joe Biden take us to socialism. Their obvious contempt for us is sickening. And despite the fact that every poll tells them that we are wise to their lies—wise to what they really think of us—wise to what socialism will do to our freedom—they keep on lying. 

Why do they hate us so much? What did we ever do to them to make them hate us? We fight their wars—even when their wars are not in our best interest. They make bad decisions that cost lives in their wars. And then they walk away from their wars for reasons that elude us—and the countries where the wars have been fought are no better off than when we decided to invade them and fight those wars.

We pay our taxes—mostly willingly—even though a lot of our tax money is wasted on foolish and failed ideas. We try to be green as much as possible in our daily lives—even though they lie every minute of every day about climate change. And we know that if we ever give in to their insane green new deal ideology that the covid lockdowns will be nothing compared to what they have planned for us to fight the existential threat of climate change.

We try to be good citizens. We have always tried to be good citizens. But they still hate us no matter what we do. So—we are finally starting to draw lines in the sand—well—not in the sand—we are drawing our lines in concrete. And the strongest line they will never let them cross—is the line between our freedom and their wish for total power. 

It won’t stop them from trying, though. Joe Biden and the democrats will do anything to get the power they want—anything but pay attention to what we are saying. If they really cared anything about what we think they would listen to us. I mean—can we make it any clearer to them? We don’t like your policies and we don’t like the direction you are taking the country. And we want you to stop it. But these democracy loving democrats aren’t listening to us, are they? Doesn’t that tell you what they really think about democracy? 


Doesn’t it show their true feelings? How many times do we have to watch the things they are trying to do before we understand who they really are? They call us deplorables and say we are racist. They want to end the filibuster—pack the supreme court—change voting laws—and now they even want to let illegal immigrants have the right to vote. What is it going to take to make you see who these people really are? They hate us. 

And they think we need to be controlled—and contained—just because we want freedom—freedom from their incompetence and stupidity. Are we asking too much? I don’t think so—and most Americans agree with me.

But democrats refuse to listen. They want to push their crazy ideas right to the limit. I can’t wait for November. I want to watch them try to swim to shore after their socialist ship springs so many leaks that it can’t possibly do anything but sink to the bottom.  And when it does—will they get it? Will they understand? I doubt it. They’ll find a way to blame us for their defeat at the ballot box.

But it will fun to watch. Buy lots of popcorn. This is going to be great.