River City Community Church

05-12-19 Executive Pastor Christine Chang Lee "Undivided Heart"

Executive Pastor Christine Chang Lee

Title: Undivided Heart
Series: Life in (Multicultural) Community 
Summary: In Psalm 86, David prays for God's protection and deliverance, from a posture of praise and worship.  Within this prayer, he asks God: "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth.  Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name."  Using this prayer as a backdrop, this sermon explores the urgent need for deliverance from the lie of white supremacy, which separates us from ourselves, one another, and from God - and considers that liberation from this lie comes only from the reconciling power of Jesus, who restores the Imago Dei in each of us, uniting our divided hearts as one.