Raiders of the Unknown (Mystic-Skeptic Radio)

A Jewish Trinity? Why Michael Heiser and others are wrong about concept of God in the Bible: Part 1

Mystic N Skeptic

In this week’s episode we discuss the concept of God or the so called “trinity” in biblical theology. This subject arose from the question: is it possible to understand the nature of God from biblical sources? We address this by comparing Jewish and Christian approaches to describing or defining God. One author discussed is Dr. Michael Heiser once interviewed on our show regarding the Ancient Astronaut theory. In his presentations based on his dissertation titled “The Divine Council in Late Canonical and non-Canonical Second Temple Jewish Literature;” he discussed how based on both ancient linguistics and biblical mysticism the trinity existed in pre-first century theological ideas found in the Bible. We explore the traditions that lead to the two powers in heaven theology and how the early church fathers developed theological concepts, which could be considered to be inconsistent with the ancient Israelite worldview, portrayed in the Bible. 

Mystic-Skeptic Radio produces programs such as Uncensored & Raiders of the Unknown. Some of the ongoing series are: Jesus The Israelite, Anti-Semitism Rising & Paul's Legacy (all available on our YouTube channels). In the past 8 years we have featured academics (Amy Jill Levine) , presidential candidates( Howie Hawkins), Commentators (Jay Michaelson) , Advocates (Vanessa Guillen), Scholars(John Dominic Crossan) and Holistic Healers (Rosemary Gladstar). We have taken deep dives on the topics of human trafficking, ancient civilizations, demonology and the occult, social movements, controversial topics and many of the current affairs affecting our society. Join us as as we explore the mystic-skeptic mind space…