Raiders of the Unknown (Mystic-Skeptic Radio)

A Great Evil: The Obstruction of Justice and Ongoing Abuse of Minors in the Roman Catholic Church

Mystic N Skeptic

In this week’s show we are honored to have world renowned scholar John Dominic Crossan as our guest again. His books include Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography and The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant.  In his 2000 book, A Long Way from Tipperary: What a Former Monk Discovered in His Search for the Truth, he discusses what it was like being raised in the traditional Irish Catholic Church. Dr. Crossan shares how he inherited a faith that was "accepted fully and internalized completely but undiscussed, uninvestigated, and uncriticized." During our show John Dominic Crossan explains that this type of mentality permeates the Roman Catholic Church as an institution which is led by some corrupt leaders who commit violence themselves or cover-up the crimes of their subordinates. The culture of secrecy, passivity of the members of this religious group and untouchable status of the clergy allow for this type of perversion to take place. During our discussion we take a look on how this situation keeps being mishandled and how there is no end in site for this type of abuse, reprieve for the perpetrators or justice for the victims.

Mystic-Skeptic Radio produces programs such as Uncensored & Raiders of the Unknown. Some of the ongoing series are: Jesus The Israelite, Anti-Semitism Rising & Paul's Legacy (all available on our YouTube channels). In the past 8 years we have featured academics (Amy Jill Levine) , presidential candidates( Howie Hawkins), Commentators (Jay Michaelson) , Advocates (Vanessa Guillen), Scholars(John Dominic Crossan) and Holistic Healers (Rosemary Gladstar). We have taken deep dives on the topics of human trafficking, ancient civilizations, demonology and the occult, social movements, controversial topics and many of the current affairs affecting our society. Join us as as we explore the mystic-skeptic mind space…