Profiles in Risk

Episode 24 - Jeremy Rettig, Founder and CEO of Adjusting to Six Figures

In his own words: "I was never formally educated, I'm not very talented, and my IQ is average (at best). I was too small for football, too slow for soccer, and too anxious for baseball. I haven't been very lucky, I rarely caught a break, and still have never been given anything for free. I was raised by pessimism, subconsciously taught to fail, and expected to achieve a standard level of mediocrity. So, what makes me different? I learned to stop listening to others and disengage from the crowd. While they slept in, I prepared for them to wake. When they clocked out, I started a new pot. While they drank with friends, I sharpened my saw. While they watched television, I watched seminars. When they complained, I felt nothing. I'm not better than you or anyone else --- I'm just addicted to defining my future." Show Notes: Jeremy Rittig LinkedIn Profile: Adjusting to 6 Figures site: 4-Hour Work Week: Gary Vaynerchuk: Rank The Risk Shark statistics: