Profiles in Risk

PIR 207 - Amy Waninger and the Sharpen Your Skills Professional Women's Advancement Summit

Insurance Nerds

My very good friend Amy Waninger came on the show to talk about the upcoming Sharpen Your Skills Professional's Women's Advancement Summit Live Stream coming up October 15, 2020. This one day virtual conference is dedicated to helping women in general and women of color in particular to decode what are the unwritten rules, the unspoken skills, that you really need to get ahead in corporate spaces. Hard work isn't enough, you need to know the unwritten rules. Every time you get promoted there are new unwritten rules, and they don't hand you a handbook. Description of the event starts at 5:45. If you ever thought "I just want to do a good job and I want to be enough" fast forward to 16:30. Amy even helps you make a case to the boss to pay for it at 23:30.

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Amy's prior appearance on Profiles: E90

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