Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP26 Doing The Unthinkable

With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 26

Hello dear listeners! Jody here and I apologize for missing last week and for the lateness of this week's podcast. Making one of the biggest life-changing decisions of our lives has taken more of our time and resources than we thought it would...

Join me today as I share my thoughts on "doing the unthinkable" - or what may seem to others (and even yourself!) as such at the time.

Doing the unthinkable may start out as just a dream but with a strong enough "why" you can make that dream a reality. If someone told me that we'd be moving across Canada, I'd have thought they were crazy, and now I probably seem like the crazy one!

But I'm not crazy and neither are you. When you are open to the possibilities, then even the most impossible-seeming thing can be yours!