200churches Podcast: Ministry Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches

Episode 274 - From Legalism and Depression to Grace and Church Planting - Derek Levendusky's Story

Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig: Pastors, Leaders, Bloggers, Podcasters, and Encouragers Episode 274
When Derek Levendusky started his week on Sunday morning, he had no idea he would be our guest from episode 274. Toiling away in a new church in Western New York, Derek is everything that is good about small church ministry. Jeff walked into his early service on Sunday 30 minutes late. Right after the service he talked with Derek at the front of the church. In ten minutes he sealed the deal for him to record two days later. This is his story. And, it's sooooo good!Check out our sponsor, TrainedUp.Church and use "200CHURCHES" as a promo code for 10% off for life. Go to www.trainedup.church.