Bearskins, Bayonets and Bravery - Notes from The Guards Museum

Bearskins, Bayonets & Bravery - Notes from The Guards Museum Episode 1

April 13, 2020 Andrew Wallis, MBE, OL, DL Season 1 Episode 1

This is the first episode in a new podcast recorded by Andrew Wallis, MBE, DL who is the Director of The Guards Museum.  The forced closure of the museum due to the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as the catalyst to create this podcast as an outreach to those who wish to know more about The Guards but are unable to visit us.
This episode gives the background to the creation of the museum, its location, some information on our great little team and an insight into what we are trying to achieve in our mission to tell the story of the five regiments of Her Majesty's Foot Guards over the last 370 years.

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