
EXTRA: Rebooting a Brand & Finding Respite Amidst Change

Tracy Winchell / Tim Freeman

It's the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend 2019 in the United States.

We thought it would be fun to share what we hope will soon be a poorly kept secret in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

We talk a lot about working to navigate change, but change navigation requires rest, too.

The work is difficult.

Rest is part of the cycle.

The Wanderoo Lodge, owned by Tim Freeman is a place steeped in history - originating as the Joy Campground in 1929 and owned by Tim's great-great grandparents.

In this episode, Tim explains why he repurchased the property, where he got the idea to transform the brand into a place where adventurers of the Great Arkansas Outdoors can find respite after days filled with climbing, zip-lining, kayaking, hiking, or mountain biking.

The property is pet-friendly and even more human-friendly - with a bar stocked full of interesting microbrews, mouth-watering dishes, and live music.

Here's more information about the Wanderoo.

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